How far am I from Flowering?


Well-Known Member
you can start flowering now if you want but best to let them veg till they are about 2 foot tall but all depends on how much room you have if room is not a issue then veg them long as you want if rooms is a issue 2ft maybe 3 then flower 12/12 if i was you i would top them three a four time then flower them for more bud sites on them girls


Well-Known Member
Depends on the light you're using and how much room you have to grow. You're also going to need a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
I dont want to top or LST I afraid
I dont want to hurt my baby
the instinct to "parent" our plants is pretty ingrained into us as people, but with plants you need to ignore that instinct, plants grow back stronger and bushier in response to training techniques. In the wild its normal for animals to eat branches or shoots off of the plants, a strong wind can rip branches off, plants can get trampled by larger animals.
Plants have evolved to componsate for this by growing back stronger then before


Well-Known Member
Depending on how tall you can grow them without touching the lights the general rule of thumb is to flower when your girls are just a little under half the height to the top of the lights.


Well-Known Member
If you want the most yield for this grow, you want to switch to 12/12 when the plant is a little under half the height to about 6"-8" under the lights. I say 6"-8" because I found my plant in full flower could be closer to the light without burning. Normally you'd want that light at least 14"-18" away.

And you will need a much bigger pot to support the root structure of your larger plant. I don't do soil, so maybe someone with experience there can weigh in. But I think you want to transplant NOW to give your baby some time to adjust to the change.

If this is your first grow and you don't want to be too adventurous, that's fine. But if you top now for four main colas (see Uncle Ben's technique) you won't hurt the plant and could increase yield. I'm just making that suggestion because if you're investing all this time, money and effort in a grow you should have one eye on maximizing that yield!

But do what you're most comfortable with. So, if you repot your plant now, let it grow to just under half the grow height that you have (the height of the tent minus the light and some space under it), then go to 12/12. My guess is that would be in about 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Wait till you can clone it. You might kick your self if you really like it and don't clone it.