How Far Away from your house are your plants?

I was just wondering how far away everyones outdoor crop is? Mine is 31 Miles away from my house and its starting to annoy me driving there once a week. I know The farther away the safer it is and less chance of getting caught but im starting to get tired of driving so far away for just five plants. Hmmm what should i do? How far away are your plants?


I think it doesn't really matter how far away you grow as long as you are smart about it. Don't let people see you entering the area all the time, and when you do go in there take some binoculars or something so if someone does approach you, you have a story already made up of what you were doing there. Everyone says on here to take a dollar or some half dollar coins and put them around your grow site, and check to see if they're still there, or if someone picked em up. Good way to tell if your site is safe or not. 31 miles is quite far in my opinion, though. If it's a small grow, move it closer, and save yourself some gas money. Remember, stupidity is the reason most people get caught. Don't tell anyone about your spot, and go early in the morning, just as the sun is coming up. Good luck with your grow.
I think it doesn't really matter how far away you grow as long as you are smart about it. Don't let people see you entering the area all the time, and when you do go in there take some binoculars or something so if someone does approach you, you have a story already made up of what you were doing there. Everyone says on here to take a dollar or some half dollar coins and put them around your grow site, and check to see if they're still there, or if someone picked em up. Good way to tell if your site is safe or not. 31 miles is quite far in my opinion, though. If it's a small grow, move it closer, and save yourself some gas money. Remember, stupidity is the reason most people get caught. Don't tell anyone about your spot, and go early in the morning, just as the sun is coming up. Good luck with your grow.
Thanks it was the closest spot to my house that seemed legit, everywhere near my house has trails and people tend to wonder off but that dollar coin trick sure sounds great thanks


Well-Known Member
I usualy go 5-10 miles outside of this horrible little town. The closer to town the more sheriffs will be around, but the further from town i get the less they see "straingers" an they are going to to be more paranoid, an watching alot closer.


Active Member
my plants are 15 40 and 75 feet from my house.....i will have about 3 to 5 females. right now though 15. ive put alot of effort into my stealth and am confident it will work as my neighbors are vietnam vet (cool) and a family that was livin next to crack dealer. (im a way better neighbor and they dont wanna lose their place i got pull with landlord) ne ways inm not gonna flaunt it but my weed wafts all overe all the time.....i wouldnt worry about 5 plants. id worry about gas money lol ha ha jk