How far can "ripeness" be pushed?

Put a cork in it Rain Man
Missed the drama. Happy for that. Must agree with ignore button as demonstration or admission of one's own indulgence in such.

Should be I'm opinionated sand ignorant. With a public counter on number of times they cowardly exited.

Peace to all. A very big world.
I have a spamming bullshit groupy behind my ass who is now following me and releasing only OT-spamm. Is there a yummy shit-saussage hanging off my ass that is so attractive to some for dinner; has somebody left the pig-barn open? I need a nail gun, now! To make it stop paining!
Chewy Chulupa sounds to a bit closeted ….. your condescending attitude to new growers and even seasoned growers is pathetic.
I am sure there are growers that have plenty of “ good “ advice on pushing ripeness ….. from light cycle manipulation / UV , etc.

Most have probably grown longer than your sexual transition time. Stop belittling growers on this BS bag seed crusade.

Maybe grab a 25 pound bag of rice and spend your wacky time counting each kernel instead.
Alright people. You can push it until the plant dies as it is genetically designed to do. And then let nature and fall's temperature further ripen outdoor still in soil and on plants. Indoor is much shorter window.

Try discussing and not disgusting forms of communication to get answers.

Peace and amber will make you peaceful.


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Peace makes you peaceful. Thats right! Peace is far
Start thinking; or go fuck yourself!
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In most equatorial regions, cannabis can germinate at almost any point in the year, and can grow almost all year round
It is not genetically programmed, but seasonally. There is absolutely no genetical death... it just goes into revegg and grows on!

As you described seasonal death which is genetic. Were it not they would be perennial. Thank you for the laugh. Enjoy your education.

Must correct you: Definitely something worth looking into NOW. DIY dont need to wait for commercial products, dont need to wait for scientific detailed proof and explanation about how this at that, what counts is only one thing: In practice, in THE FIELD, it turns out to work. Thats proof enough to have it... now, dont wait until you are last one getting it ;)

Usually anyone who fidns out, shuts the fuck up.
Breeders are silent, just getting the laboratory prrof for their new high thc strain... but they know it but are silent about HOW to do it, of course, because its their business interest. They are in advance, ahead the others. Why should they tell everyone?

So if you want a proof anddont believe all the peopl that tell you UVA is working.... you must wait for bugbee connecting the dot and delivering the stochastic approval and for lamp manufactures to bring it to you.-... hey just wait another 5 years until market integration, cool bro! I dont need to wait that! I find out myself in the field practicing!

look I’m not saying I am going to wait a year to look into this. But with being 6-7 weeks into flower by the time I source something and build it I’ll be 2 weeks away from cutting down my plants. I just mean that for my next grow I will use UVA in flower. I was just pointing out that HLG now has an add on kit for lights that are very popular.

but as you stated earlier it’s not a full UVA spectrum. Its only two of the 4-5 chips that you really need. I’m not a commercial grower. It’s personal grows for me. So I guess since I am planning on how I will implement for next grow that does mean I am thinking about it now. Just as I said. where I am at in flower I don’t see the point into rushing into a solution yet.

regardless thank you for pointing out the information.
seasonal death which is genetic.
No you simply didn't listened with attention and twist anything around to fit your nonsense, I describ seasonal death as beeing determined by the season, the climate, not by the genes... the genes determine to continue life, thats survival. Thats the genes priority, even before reproduction! Death comes when the genes fail because of the season harshness. But still the seasonal death is not "genetic". My education is very good. Yours education is none!


When you float in open space-cosmos, without a space-suit and you die because of your genes have no programm to withstand the space-cosmos climate. You did not died because of your genes! But because of the harshnes sof the space! Im with stupid!
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No you simply didn't listened with attention and twist anything around to fit your nonsense, I describ seasonal death as beeing determined by the season, not by the genes... the genes determine to continue life, thats survival. Thats the genes priority, even befor reproduction! My education is very good. Yours is none!

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And again the genetics react to seasons. How is your shit flowering to begin. TOO FUNNY SMART GUY??

Again peace and I will no further ridicule you.

Beat it.
The gene react to anything... when i kill them with a knife chopping of the stem... and they had no gene against me... thats in your eyes because of the genes... ANYTHING IS JUST BECAUSE of the genes... how dumb are you, reducing everything onto the genes? Simple minded like a shrooom!
Try learning the difference between: cause and effect.... or reason and impact.... or source and outcome... can you differ one from another or do you have no clue at all?
You mix up and just say anything is be CAUSE of the genes! Talking BS! Nonsense.
The CAUSE is the SEASONAL change..... the genes is just the REACTION.

The death is the CAUSE of the genes cant come out living certain climate impacts! They die in effect of the harsh climate..... not because of a "clock ticking".
The CAUSE of death is always the climate of the seasonal change.... the conditions!

When they can withstand the climate, they survive, they fight. They survive beCAUSE of the seasonal changes beeing tolerable.
If you say so... the genes have no cause at all to die.... their cause is to secure living SOLELY... dont you get it. The cause for death is always something else than genes!

The gene tell us not to age... thats damage we sum up in life andour complex getting weaker and weaker..... it still tries everything to contiunue living.
Only in rare exemptions life programms itself to death, like the apoptosis on cellular level.

There is no killswitch gene except monsanto put one in!

Theres no logic in your claims! You mix up cause and effect! The simplest things on earth.

No life on earth goes like ... "oh well it might become a strong winter, lets not try it, lets die now, im gonna die whatever"
Thats stupid nonsense! Genes is Life, and Life is for the cause of living.

Life does not know depression and suicide! This phaenomnenois reserved to humans..... you wont find any suicidal ape!
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Cause and effect does not flow from one direction in a straight line. There are practically infinitely many causes interrelating, the result is what we call "reality" or "existence", if you allow me to get slightly philosophical here.

You need to turn down a few knobs, or else you will end up on a lot of ignore lists.

You have a lot of interesting things to say, but you are going overboard at the moment. Also, work on your grammar please (I'm German, too, it's possible).
Hemp does not go suicidal only because reproduction is done and the weather gets colder.... it depends specifictly IF the weather ACTUALLY kills it!
SO not the genes are the cause... the climate CAN be... and it has nothing to do with the "genes" in general when the weather is able to kill it, like it is not your genes fault when your neibhor strikes you with an Gordon Ingram mac10.
It doesnt't mean your genes weren't ready for the .45 .... it just means the cause for your death was you've been shot!
Your genes only make a difference if he was white and you were black! Regarding who is fault to blame for the courts when YOU are dead! :lol:
It was self-defense, OK, closed! :rolleyes:
Maybe his genes were faul, must be the genes, what else could be fault with a black man dying a white man shooting him down... the genes... of course. What else. Logic! Your logic... not mine. ;)

EDIT: I feel americans understand me better if i compare it with weapons and shootings :)
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