How far from plant should I have my 150 watt light hanging.

Hi there all, I am going to start my first grow very soon, im going to keep it to one plant and try and get that to harvest first of all.

My cupboard is 3 foot by 2 foot and in which im going to use some type of light reflecting material to line it. Im going to get a 150 watt HPS Light.

My question is how far do I want to keep the light from the plant top at all times? I want to know this to know how tall i want my cupboard to be.

Thanks alot in advance, much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Find how close you can put your hand to it and hold there for 2mins without it burning it...thats how close you need to be.


Well-Known Member
Hold your hand palm side down under your light; approx. 12-14 inches away from the light. Very slowly move your hand towards the light. When you feel your hand start to get too warm or have a burning feeling thats the point you want to recognize. Two to three inches below that point is what you want. All lights are different when it comes to emmitting heat, depending on make and model. Try to get your plants as close as possible to the light but dont burn em. Hope that helps -Peace