How full/thick is too much and going to hamper yield?


Active Member
I have a couple of plants growing in a UC setup under 2 400W HPS lights. I have been vegging these two for about 3 weeks under my HID lights now. This is the second round using my UC setup, and I seemed to have learnt all the ins and outs of the setup in my initial run. I have eliminated all organics from the system and now am getting results beyond belief almost! The two are about 1 1/2 feet tall and cover roughly 2 1/2 x 3 feet each! I have been pruning leaves every couple of days, but you would never know it! The stalks are so massive already that I can barely close my hand around them at the base!

My main question is: How thick of a canopy is too thick that it will hamper my overall yield? In over a decade of growing, I have never experienced growth as fast, full, and lush as this in any other setup I have run/tested. The best part of it all, is the minute amounts of nutrients I use compared to any other setup as well! I have yet to go over 400ppm of nute additives in the system, and the growth rate is off the chart!

I look forward to all comments and insight to fellow growers experiences!



Well-Known Member
Pull those branches apart by training them, and you can open p the interior to lots more light.

Sounds like an amazing grow. Just remember those 400's don't have a ton of penetrating power. Maybe 18" of good solid bud growth and then things begin to get much less dense. counting the stretch, are you approaching the limit for those flower lights?


Active Member
I added mine to my avatar. Too many people couldn't see the humor in my old one and if they didn't know me, thought I was some dick! The nerve.



Well-Known Member
That's the power of hydro. You should trim your roots and trim some if the leaf. You can cut up to half your root system.
There are some books on trimming and pruning. Mostly research tomato plant pruning. You need to find out what branches are the sucker branches, and get rid of them.