How Good is Our Water?


Active Member
Hey guys/gals,

I am coming to the end of my first grow in about a month I would assume.

Now when I start to flush, is it going to be okay to use our tap water that sits out overnight? It is city tap. I have heard the discussion between distilled and city, but I figure our water is pretty good?? The reason I ask is that I do not have a ph pen that shows ppm, I just use the drop ph testers.

I was curious to know what our waters ppm is in NOCO, and whether or not it is going to be okay for the final flush, I hope to get the purest product I can, don't we all?

Your water supplier (usually the town or city) has to publish a water quality report every year. Go look it up on their website.
Im in southern Colorado and my tap is working perfect. Back home in Chicago it was not like this. Just anothwr reason I love CO!
Okay guys thanks!!

The water right here is 7 right out of tap, but you guys give me hope in saying it is some of the best!!

I'm going to go check on finding a report now!
Trihalo Methanes??--40ppb
Haloacetic Acids--24.5 ppb

So it looks good to me?? I would assume this is damn clean water.
Chlorine so make sure you let it sit 24 hours with the lid off or better yet bubble it with an air pump and tube
Chlorine so make sure you let it sit 24 hours with the lid off or better yet bubble it with an air pump and tube

I put all my tap water in a 5 gallon bucket and aerate it with a bubble stone for about 5 or 6 hours, and then I let it sit for at least 1 day as well.

Thanks for the information though!!
Water quality at the plant is often way cleaner than after transit thru old water lines. Usually iron is added. Also water quality tests are not done that often. Where I am in SOCO we have dirtier water in winter for some reason. Buy a ph / ppm pen.

Note, water quality for many is in jeaprody due to fracking. Had horrible bad well water near DIA made family sick, ate up ro membranes. Water went to hell after haliburton trucks did their thing hauling fracking fluids (they call it water).
MJA, are you close to the end of a grow and finishing by flushing? If so shouldn't make much difference flushing them with your 7 PH water for a week or so since you are not trying to feed nutes.
Water quality at the plant is often way cleaner than after transit thru old water lines. Usually iron is added. Also water quality tests are not done that often. Where I am in SOCO we have dirtier water in winter for some reason. Buy a ph / ppm pen.

Note, water quality for many is in jeaprody due to fracking. Had horrible bad well water near DIA made family sick, ate up ro membranes. Water went to hell after haliburton trucks did their thing hauling fracking fluids (they call it water).

Our winter water here on the western slope changes slightly in the winter with the ph rising to 7.8 or so, I ph down mine to 6.7ish.
here in the springs I have about 50 PPM from the tap, usually a bit high on PH so I use PH down to get around 6.4-6.2
Ppm in my area runs in the 70s and the ph is about 7.1 good clean water.

Heck yeah man, that's really nice H2O. Bet it tastes delicious. My ppm is ~220ppm it's city water, but from well sources. Chlorinated, no Chloramine thank goodness. Course I thought it was Chloramine when I bought some dechlorinator powder for fish ponds.... enough to treat 45,000 gallons, now I don't need it. Is the bubbler really necessary to evacuate the chlorine? Seems logical....
yo just moved from chicago to colorado a couple months ago im about to start a mmj grow how does the altitude effect the diff strain
/plants ??