How heavy a smoker are you?

How much do you spend to get high on a weekly basis?

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Well-Known Member
about an eigth to a quarter a week, or around 5 to 10 bucks a week. that's why you grow your own!
That about sums up my use and cost, though lately I'm up to a full 1/4 per week. Nowadays, I simply couldn't afford to smoke every day if I didn't grow my own.


Well-Known Member
That about sums up my use and cost, though lately I'm up to a full 1/4 per week. Nowadays, I simply couldn't afford to smoke every day if I didn't grow my own.
I couldn't afford to buy everything I smoke either, that's why I decided to start growing


Well-Known Member
hehe, if i paid retail for my weed i would spend $300 US a week.

i grow however and the oz i smoke in a week costs about a buck a gram to grow.

To The OP- if you havent figured it out by now, we smoke WAY more expensive weed than you. i bet most of us wouldnt even smoke what youve got.


Well-Known Member
You smoke way more expensive weed then me and my shits not good? Are you honestly saying that? You dont even know me? You have no idea what Im smoking. Why would you make such a blanket statement? Who are you trying to impress?


Well-Known Member
You smoke way more expensive weed then me and my shits not good? Are you honestly saying that? You dont even know me? You have no idea what Im smoking. Why would you make such a blanket statement? Who are you trying to impress?
Earlier you thought he was talking about shwagg, so he deduced that you smoked shwagg too. But I agree with buddy, we are probably smoking better shit then you. I've got smoking on some stinky Northern Lights right now, how about you?


Well-Known Member
i cant moke right now cause i have to wait till i get a job but i use to smoke 100 a month or so i remember buying an oz for 400 bucks


Well-Known Member
can't answer this question.... I never pay for weed. but I do know that I don't smoke very much, but if I put a dollar sign on that I have no idea what it would be . . . way high for the quality of bud I smoke . . .


Well-Known Member
I usually make a quarter last 10 days so so of those a month, thats 150 a month. Meh not too bad but im still trying to cut down a little bit more.


Well-Known Member
damn when u look at it like this, thats why i should grow my own..................................................


Well-Known Member
An OZ of this White Widow Im smoking goes for about 440 bucks. 60 an 1/8th. I suppose I burn through a little less then a quarter a week.

Right now I have a Blueberry seed sprouting. Im hoping to cross it with some of this killer white widow.