How hot can glass get?

Oi man tempered is the go. Go to the industrial area of your town and visit ur local glazier, im sure he can help u out, for a 50 hahah
If its not tempered your taking a big gamble! I really hope it is tempered otherwise yor plants a gonner. It won't happen when u expect it to, it will blow up out of the blue. Especially if it gets a tad bit of a mist on it, like Filthy said... It sounds like u have tempered tho??? Nice grow, and GL with everything...
just uploaded a couple of pics
shit pity bout the angled shot:s

Why not just make a cool tube... your cab looks like you have has the big advantage of exhausting most of the heat....and if made with input and output fans it will be even more effective....
yer it does look temperd,its not just a normal peice ay,its thick with a liner in the middle,well it hasnt really made any diff wif the temps anyway,it sorta just heats the glas up wich heats the room up,so hmmm was worth a shot,also its sorta like a tube,like i got a fan drawin the air straight out of that section,a 9 inch fan,but donno,just yer real close to the glass and is really heating up,ill keep me eye on it over night, is a risk tho,but i rkn it will only crack not shatter,cause of that film stuff in the middle it should hold in place (i hope) i know it sounds strange,not knowing if it is REALLY temp or not but didnt want to give to many questions to the glass man lol as i said was just for a fish tank.........
I tried to make a cool tube a few weeks ago and I ended up with a glass launching bazooka!!! Oddly enough, NONE of the glass broke and the glass tubing ended up on the floor of my box without hurting any of my babies!!! What I learned from my mistake was that the fans I had installed in the tube were not powerful enough to move the heat out, hence using the heat to to build enough pressure to launch the glass :cry:. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that you may need a couple of stronger fans in order to keep the heat from building up on the glass... :blsmoke:. Best of luck.
this deff helps me, I think I am going o encounter a problem my self. I'm going with a 1000w hps in a 2wx5Lx5H space in a closet and think I will need to get some glass in between my babies and the heat.

The closet total is 2x10x11 with some boxes and such so will that help disperse the heat and my cause?
well my friend this is my experiment im doing now,and so far it hasnt made no diff,tho it lasted 12 hours without breaking yaay,i got a 9 inch fan wich is pretty big for the room its in,its suckin the heat straight off the globe but yer still cant touch the glass way to hot,if ya make a proper shade tho with the propper fans in each side of the tubing it would help,but the globes always gonna heat the glass up...which in return heats up the room lol
....take a couple of snap shots and give us a look at what ya doin