yer it does look temperd,its not just a normal peice ay,its thick with a liner in the middle,well it hasnt really made any diff wif the temps anyway,it sorta just heats the glas up wich heats the room up,so hmmm was worth a shot,also its sorta like a tube,like i got a fan drawin the air straight out of that section,a 9 inch fan,but donno,just yer real close to the glass and is really heating up,ill keep me eye on it over night, is a risk tho,but i rkn it will only crack not shatter,cause of that film stuff in the middle it should hold in place (i hope) i know it sounds strange,not knowing if it is REALLY temp or not but didnt want to give to many questions to the glass man lol as i said was just for a fish tank.........