How I handle PM


Active Member
your plants look great man but i'd suggest you pluck a few fan leaves off too, like i said, you need good air-flow and your plants are very dense, ...are you growing them under MH by any chance?

anyway, they really do look good man, nice and vigorous.

peace, bozo

btw, you'll find a lot of haters who absolute are against plucking fans from your plants and rather than listen to the arguments i thought i'd post up a link you may find helpful in your decision making process.

...the purpose here is to increase yield but it is still well worth the read and in your case very much applicable.

Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique

peace, bozo
That's a touchy issue - but might not be a bad suggestion in the circumstances. I definitely wouldn't recommend removing leaves - as a rule - but every situation is different. This situation has a pm issue due to poor ventilation/air exchange/rh level issue/whatever you want to call it - that's what causes pm. The idea that it's systemic, so the plant is to blame, is wrong. It's environmental - in the same way that you catch the flu - once you've caught it it becomes systemic, it's in your system, that's all systemic means; but it originated outside your system and got into in by some means or other.
Removing some fan leaves as you go along is a consideration


Active Member
I pulled off enough leaves to cover 3'x3'. And u still cant tell I took some off. She still has a nice canopy. I have a candlefoot meter, so I can measure the amount of light different parts of the plant get. I expect big things to really start get going as I just added a bag of Exhale. This bag is mecillium, and decomposes and creates CO2. So instead of the standard 300ppm, she is slowly starting to get more. In a month it will triple that for the space I have. It takes time for the decomposition to get going, but they last a gaurenteed 6 months and I had one for 11 months and it was still producing CO2. I just thought it was time to get rid of it!

I have a lot of leaves on these plants, and none of them arent even turning yellow yet. This is my best grow by far, this is the healthiest I have ever seen my plants. I will be soaking them in h2o2 when I harvest! I have leaves that are 12" across and dark green.

2012-12-06_08-42-51_593.jpg2012-12-06_09-43-23_815.jpgView attachment 2453250View attachment 2453251Look how healthy they are, and they have PM!


Active Member
I pulled off enough leaves to cover 3'x3'. And u still cant tell I took some off. She still has a nice canopy. I have a candlefoot meter, so I can measure the amount of light different parts of the plant get. I expect big things to really start get going as I just added a bag of Exhale. This bag is mecillium, and decomposes and creates CO2. So instead of the standard 300ppm, she is slowly starting to get more. In a month it will triple that for the space I have. It takes time for the decomposition to get going, but they last a gaurenteed 6 months and I had one for 11 months and it was still producing CO2. I just thought it was time to get rid of it!

I have a lot of leaves on these plants, and none of them arent even turning yellow yet. This is my best grow by far, this is the healthiest I have ever seen my plants. I will be soaking them in h2o2 when I harvest! I have leaves that are 12" across and dark green.

View attachment 2453248View attachment 2453249View attachment 2453250View attachment 2453251Look how healthy they are, and they have PM!
Nice leafage bro! I reckon you might just have done the right thing - keep us in the loop.....your location sounds lovely btw - maybe I'll come visit one day!



Active Member
And another thing - you looked at all of it, took it all in, understood your situation and acted on it. You deserve credit for that. Let's see what happens next, because we can't be sure - but what you've done makes sense. You've taken out the source of a lot of res/aspiration and made some airy space - that's a double whammy - it should improve circulation and wipe away stagnancy, we'll see - theoretically it's right - let's see if it works in practice - nice one matey - good on you!

Good luck! Keep us in the loop!