How I know God is real

Thank you, and I guess like my father put it, even if there is no God on the other side, I will know that I lived a good life from here to there.

I think having a belief in god can be a good thing. You are a good example of this. People getting older and facing death is another good example. It gives people comfort in their waning years, and helps people cope with the thought of dying, and leaving their loved ones behind.

Now if only we could do away with all of the war and bloodshed in the name of god, then I could fully embrace it as a positive thing ......
I think having a belief in god can be a good thing. You are a good example of this. People getting older and facing death is another good example. It gives people comfort in their waning years, and helps people cope with the thought of dying, and leaving their loved ones behind.

Now if only we could do away with all of the war and bloodshed in the name of god, then I could fully embrace it as a positive thing ......
Unfortunately I have had those same feelings and thoughts, which has led me to ponder if this wasn't a lil tap on my shoulder to make me aware of something more, so I too can prepare for the end of my own time here.
Unfortunately I have had those same feelings and thoughts, which has led me to ponder if this wasn't a lil tap on my shoulder to make me aware of something more, so I too can prepare for the end of my own time here.

The mark of a good man is what he does when nobody is looking (including god). Whether your belief in god stays with you or not, you have proven to yourself and others that you are a good person. If there is a god, your belief (or lack there of) should not be the measuring stick. The man that you are, and will become is what matters
I have had similar experiences tbh. I was born into an Abrahamic religion, taught all kinds of stuff growing up, studied other religions through school, college, university.

Being born into a Christian, Moslem, Jewish, Hindu, Bhuddist household means jackshit to me. Kneeling down in a place of worship made of bricks means nothing to me. Wearing a white collar, tophat and curly locks, or flying a magic carpet means fuckall to me.

The Jews won't accept the Christians, vice versa, and then the Muslims won't accept either also. They all stem from the same core message, same prophets, just different cultures, eras and languages maybe. I have prayed in mosques and churches, but still to enter a temple. The only time I found GOD, was when I was in need, and I asked for certain things with a sincere heart. Simple things, not I want to be rich or own a big house, little things like guidance in life, help with hurdles in life. I wasn't in a place of worship, I was wandering around the streets.

When I tell this story to folks who consider themselves religious, they always turn around and say, well that's what people do, they turn to God when they need something, and then forget. They miss the point I am making, that following a prescribed form of worship such as kneeling in front of a cross means nothing if it is just imitated behaviour.

None of the religions will admit that human intervention has muddled what should be a simple message of being good to your human brothers and sisters, feeding each other, looking after the planet, its animals, etc. etc. The rest of it seems to be a mix of cultural shite and fairy tales...

I'm going to stop here, because I can ramble forever....
I have had similar experiences tbh. I was born into an Abrahamic religion, taught all kinds of stuff growing up, studied other religions through school, college, university.

Being born into a Christian, Moslem, Jewish, Hindu, Bhuddist household means jackshit to me. Kneeling down in a place of worship made of bricks means nothing to me. Wearing a white collar, tophat and curly locks, or flying a magic carpet means fuckall to me.

The Jews won't accept the Christians, vice versa, and then the Muslims won't accept either also. They all stem from the same core message, same prophets, just different cultures, eras and languages maybe. I have prayed in mosques and churches, but still to enter a temple. The only time I found GOD, was when I was in need, and I asked for certain things with a sincere heart. Simple things, not I want to be rich or own a big house, little things like guidance in life, help with hurdles in life. I wasn't in a place of worship, I was wandering around the streets.

When I tell this story to folks who consider themselves religious, they always turn around and say, well that's what people do, they turn to God when they need something, and then forget. They miss the point I am making, that following a prescribed form of worship such as kneeling in front of a cross means nothing if it is just imitated behaviour.

None of the religions will admit that human intervention has muddled what should be a simple message of being good to your human brothers and sisters, feeding each other, looking after the planet, its animals, etc. etc. The rest of it seems to be a mix of cultural shite and fairy tales...

I'm going to stop here, because I can ramble forever....
if no one had ever taught you anything at all about any god or anything to do wih any religion and it simply didnt exist on this planet , how would you of gotten through those rough times ?
I think the cat thing is just part of the revelation. There was a change of attitude in the home. A kind of peace came over it's members. As evidenced by the boys behavior and the relationship between the OP and his spouse. That's what God does.

That's what we do and call it God.
if no one had ever taught you anything at all about any god or anything to do wih any religion and it simply didnt exist on this planet , how would you of gotten through those rough times ?

I may have killed myself at the time tbh. Was in a place away from friends/family.
That's what we do and call it God.
U don't want to believe anything outside what you think your mind can handle. Let me ask you this...would you be open to the existence of God if a revelation happened to you? He's not going to perform a miracle just to win you over Doer. But in his own way and when the time is right he will speak to you personally. Don't close all the doors. Be open to his existence. Just in case.
I have had similar experiences tbh. I was born into an Abrahamic religion, taught all kinds of stuff growing up, studied other religions through school, college, university.

Being born into a Christian, Moslem, Jewish, Hindu, Bhuddist household means jackshit to me. Kneeling down in a place of worship made of bricks means nothing to me. Wearing a white collar, tophat and curly locks, or flying a magic carpet means fuckall to me.

The Jews won't accept the Christians, vice versa, and then the Muslims won't accept either also. They all stem from the same core message, same prophets, just different cultures, eras and languages maybe. I have prayed in mosques and churches, but still to enter a temple. The only time I found GOD, was when I was in need, and I asked for certain things with a sincere heart. Simple things, not I want to be rich or own a big house, little things like guidance in life, help with hurdles in life. I wasn't in a place of worship, I was wandering around the streets.

When I tell this story to folks who consider themselves religious, they always turn around and say, well that's what people do, they turn to God when they need something, and then forget. They miss the point I am making, that following a prescribed form of worship such as kneeling in front of a cross means nothing if it is just imitated behaviour.

None of the religions will admit that human intervention has muddled what should be a simple message of being good to your human brothers and sisters, feeding each other, looking after the planet, its animals, etc. etc. The rest of it seems to be a mix of cultural shite and fairy tales...

I'm going to stop here, because I can ramble forever....

Part of my cynical nature has always said the same thing, if I was in another part of the world, my religion would be of that geography, I wouldn't know any different.

In the last 5mos I read alot, about all religions. To my surprise was to find out Islam stems from Abraham from the Judean/Christian Old Testament. They believe Jesus was a great prophet, although like the Jews, they do not believe he arose from the dead.

And then to find out that the Holy Bible known today wad put together by a non-Christian Roman emperor Constantine, so he could have a singular religion to control the masses over a vast empire.

Religion is definitely man made to suit man's efforts.

However, God traverses all religions, and a heartfelt attempt to reach out for God, beyond religion or religious beliefs, will find God and he will answer you.
My background is about as same as everybody else's in here. I grew up in a family of 5, 2boys and a girl. I am the youngest. My father worked swing shifts at the local factory and mom stayed at home. We never went to church, talked about God or had any involvement with religious beliefs. All that I knew about God was that I recited, one nation, under God, every morning in school. The school system taught me that I evolved from a fish that had arisen from a primordial soup. I was a believer, I mean science and math says so. It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Just as man is starting to climb down out the trees they start to explain away things they couldn't conceive has being a God. So obviously man is the creator of the gods. And has all my text books taught me, through the centuries science has stepped up and disproved all gods. Draughts are explainable acts of nature, not the rain gods being unhappy with us. Thunder and lightning comes from a storm cell full of warm moisture and static electricity, not the gods being pissed off and angry with us. And Darwin's theory of macro evolution explained away the remaining God, the creator of all life. Sound tidy and neat, the history of life all spelled out in science text books. I am a firm believer in science, hated in school, love it as an adult. As an adult I picked up a bible for the first time, I was 28. My intentions were to disprove what was in the bible. It didn't take me long to find my first few footholds in my attempt to tear the bible apart. God created everything we see in six days. Seriously??? Science says that everything we see is 14.3 billion, BILLION, years old and it took millions of years for the planets and stars to form. This is going to be easier than I thought. And then came all the begetting of who beget who, and then come to find out, some of these people were still getting to begetting well into their elderly years, like 150 years and 300 years and lived to be 900 years. This stuff is fairytales for sure, so I got bored with discrediting the bible and put it all off to the side, still knowing that God was not real. In the meantime my father had also picked up a bible for the first time, he was 61. About a year later I saw something I never had imagined, my father got up in front of church service and got baptized. I still held fast to my guns and me and him debated the existence of God a few times. He would always end his arguments with, "I would rather live the rest of my life like there is a God, to die and find out there isn't; than to live like there is no God and die only to find out that there is." Word's of fear?
The second time I opened a bible, I was in jail, I was 31. I had 180 in the county for beating the shit out of 2 "cage fighters" after they called me a "biker bitch" out back of a bar. At the time of my commitment my father just found out he had cancer. He was at his home with hospice care the morning I turned myself in. He was sitting on the front porch when I went to see him and told him what I had done and that I was on my way to jail. He looked square in the eyes and told me to, "Go do what you have to do, pay your time and then straighten your shit up." Those were the last words he ever said to me, 5 days later a co came into the dorm, pulled me out, took me to booking and told me I needed to call my parents. Mom put the phone up to dad's ear, I could hear his gasping, I told him to hang on and I would be there as soon as they let me out, I told him I loved him, the gasping stopped, mom screamed, the phone went silent. The co was cool enough to let me chill out in the mess hall for a while so I could compose myself before going back into the dorm. Some kid came from the corner of the room and asked if he could pray for me, I didn't know what that meant, but I told yeah sure. He said his lil prayer and he left a bible on my foot locker. When I opened the book it opened nice and neat to the book of James. My dad's name was James. I started reading it, and I can't tell exactly what it said, but I remember it talking about controlling your anger, or at least that is how I understood it. Was that just a coincidence, or was something more profound at work. At any rate it didn't change my life or my concept of what God was. In fact it probably made me even more cynical. Why would God accept my fathers baptism and then turn around and let him die?
Fast forward 8 more years, I am still the cynical non believer, added a few more trips to county, a few more busted knuckles and scars, a few more years of probation, a busted up relationship, and an overwhelming feeling of guilt that I never turned out to be somebody to make my father proud. His words still echo in my ears, to straighten my shit up.
So now it's just the same old story, but with a new cast of characters. I found a woman, who despite ALL my flaws, loves me like I have never felt love before. She actually married me!! lol So now I am 39, I am drunk, my wife is mad, her words, my words, more alcohol, more of her drunk blabber and I pick up a kitchen chair and throw it across the kitchen, at her, it hits the countertop and explodes, she doesn't get hurt, but she leaves, goes to her sister's. A few days later I am on the phone with my wife's mother, very religious person. She asks if she can pray for me, second time somebody has prayed for me in my life, I told her I really think I need it. After she prayed for me she told me a silly story about how she sometimes prays aloud that she rebukes all evil, I laughed, she didn't. That night I replaced a broken door knob on the back door. Wanting my wife to come back home, and knowing that now she has no keys to house, I wrote a lil letter and New backdoor key in it and left to go to her sister's. As I was leaving, the wife's cat ran out door, I yelled him a few times to get back in the house but he being a cat, he refused. I pulled the door shut, double checked the new door knob, and kicked at the cat as I walked to my truck. I tucked the letter and key on the dash of my wife's truck and headed back home. I was still thinking thinking about the phone conversation from earlier and as I drove I said this aloud, "I rebuke all evil and I pledge my alledgence with God". I suddenly felt 3 shivers, almost like getting a cold chill, but not being cold. Strangest thing that had up to that point ever happened to me. I immediately convinced myself that it was a figment of my imagination, I gave myself the cold chills by thinking that there was a God. I pondered this the rest of the way home, and even asking, "if that was real, if you are real, show me, make me believe", it didn't take long for God to give me answer. I pulled up out back, yelled for the wife's cat as I walked through backyard, shook my keys, he was nowhere to be found. I walked across the deck, double checked the new door knob, unlocked door and as I walked into the house, the wife's cat walked towards me from inside the house. As a 6'9" 300# 39 year old grown man, I have never felt fear like that. I tasted fear, worse than putting your tongue on a 9v. I still get a shiver when I think about that moment. And then as clear as all get out I hear the words "you took that better than we thought", but it wasn't aloud, it was in my head. Everybody has a lil voice in their heads, but this wasn't that lil voice, and as soon as I heard that voice, the calmest feeling fell over me. So now my attention is back on this dam cat, a cat who runs from the room when I walk into it, a cat that doesn't like me as much as I don't like him, this cat walks up to me and figure 8s through my legs. I immediately spent the next half hour going from room to room and back again, double, triple and quadruple checking every door and window, everything was shut and locked, just like it was when I left, except for the cat being in the house. And I must have kicked that cat a dozen times as I tried to walk from room to room and he tried walking figure 8s through my legs. Him loving on me like that, he must have been just as scared as I was.
So that is how I know there is a God. I don't know much about religions, and I don't know a lot about God, but I do know that there is a supernatural being who comes to us in our weakest hour, and he works miraculous works in mysterious ways.
God bless all of you who believes in his miracles.
if nothing had happend when you asked god to give you a sign what would you of thought then ?
He's not going to perform a miracle just to win you over Doer. But in his own way and when the time is right he will speak to you personally

I'm not saying that you're wrong in saying that, but how is that you feel you know this?

Is there a news letter or something that goes out to all members breaking down how god operates?
been there done that...but the more I searched the more I found that the human mind is very powerful and also very weak...and like the song says everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to go today
I'm not saying that you're wrong in saying that, but how is that you feel you know this?

Is there a news letter or something that goes out to all members breaking down how god operates?
I'm not special and not deserving of God's love any more than anyone else. But I'm open to his messages and he speaks to me in simple ways that I can understand. It's really that simple. It isn't my huge ego that creates his existence nor is it my desperation to have a God to turn to in times of trouble in my life. But I know there is someone protecting me and I feel a divine influence and almost always have. By rights I should be dead. There have been too many occasions that should've led to that end. But I'm still here. And it isn't a coincidence.
Like I said I'm not special. God has a plan for me and he has one for you too. And he doesn't ask much either. Love the Lord and love your neighbor as yourself. The rest is smoke and mirrors. The church, the bible. All of it.
Ya know what? I can't really answer some of the questions from agnostics or atheists or whatever, but just wana say, I like the vibe in this thread :) Maybe 10 yrs ago, it would have been a shitfest by now. Good on everyone for keeping it civil. :)
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I don't know what God is. I just see God as the force behind the universe and beyond. I don't think we were created in his image either. I once read something which I liked:

"You think of yourselves as humans searching for a spiritual awakening, when in fact you are spiritual beings attempting to cope with a human awakening. Seeing yourselves from the perspective of the spirit within will help you to remember why you came here and what you came here to do."
I'm not special and not deserving of God's love any more than anyone else. But I'm open to his messages and he speaks to me in simple ways that I can understand. It's really that simple. It isn't my huge ego that creates his existence nor is it my desperation to have a God to turn to in times of trouble in my life. But I know there is someone protecting me and I feel a divine influence and almost always have. By rights I should be dead. There have been too many occasions that should've led to that end. But I'm still here. And it isn't a coincidence.
Like I said I'm not special. God has a plan for me and he has one for you too. And he doesn't ask much either. Love the Lord and love your neighbor as yourself. The rest is smoke and mirrors. The church, the bible. All of it.

why can't i just love me and love everyone else, and just be a good, decent person, and not some scum bag, and do the right thing for the right reasons, and not have to love some one i don't think exists..
why isn't my being a good person and doing the right things enough, why do i need to love something i don't believe in?