How I made my new PC grow box.


Active Member
This was my first PC grow box build so I figured that it will be a good idea to post some pics and explain how it was done to help anyone who is interested in doing the same.

I started off with a few old broken Pentium 2 and 3 boxes that I managed to get from a friend for free. I picked one of the tallest ones and took out all the insides leaving you with a bunch of holes in the back, so I just looked at what fitted in each hole and broke that off of the mother bored and some of the other things that were attached to it. I did the same with the power supply, broke the back panel of and tossed the rest away. The CD-Rom and floppy drive are nothing more than the plastic shells that were broken off the front of the real deal. They come off real easily and with a bit of glue gunning they will look as authentic as can be hoped for. Then I added 4 fans to the box and wired them all to an old cell phone charger, the fans are all 12vots but the charger is only 5.1v but they all run fine (I got all the fans from inside the old PCs and had to replace two of them because for some reason the 5v charger just couldn’t get them going). The fans wiring was simple, black wire to black wire and red wire to red wire. One of the fans was to far out so I had to extend its chords. This to was a piece of pie, I simply took a set of similar looking wires from the skeleton of one of the broken PCs and hooked it up without the fan loosing any of its power.
For the lights I took a piece of plank and screwed three light sockets onto it. I used normal twin flex wires to run from the light fixtures to a wall plug and connected all three of them to the same plug (each fixture with its own wire of course). Then to keep it looking like a real PC, I made a hole in the bottom of the case to let all the wires through while still being able to pull them back into the case for storage porpoises. Everything was done using a hammer, a screwdriver, a glue gun, some tape (to wrap around wires), and bits off of the old PCs.

I started germinating some Swazi Rooibaard yesterday for my pilot run, and with all forms of family members hanging around till the middle of January it will be the ultimate test of stealth.

P.S I decided not to add any more reflective stuff because its already plenty reflective as is.

Fans and Lights.jpgFront.jpgBack.jpgInside Front.jpgPlugs.jpgInside back.jpg

Cheap Basterd

Active Member

How are you going to stop light leaks from the PCI expansion slots, and more importantly, light leaking in when you switch to 12/12? Or is it just a Veg box?

What Wattage CFL's are you using?


Active Member
I am thinking of just placing it in a dark spot like under a table or something so light leaks shouldn't be to big of a problem and I'm doing a 12/12 from germ so everything is going to happening in this box. I put in three 100w CLFs yesterday (the ones on the pic was just put in there for the sake of taking the picture). CLFs are not my favorite but they will work just fine for this. After testing it last night with the new bulbs it is surprising that there are very few places where light escapes. If your looking to build a cheap grow box then I would advise you to find an old PC and try building something similar. Its was allot of fun building.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the fun part. Everything i look at these days turns into a mental growbox. It can get quite intrusive.


Well-Known Member
amen to all the lighting and supplies question. I'm sure wal-mart and lowes. if you just go to the light section and just look for yourself I think it's easy to see and tell what you need.


Well-Known Member
A supermarket? grocery store? or a hardware store. a place where they sell a broad array of things to humans. where do you live? maybe you can google "where can I get "x" in "where you live here"


Active Member
If you're trying to hide your grow while living/renting in your parents home, you shouldn't grow.


Well-Known Member
If you are governing the United States of America, you shouldn't kill people and steal drugs and rob citizens


A supermarket? grocery store? or a hardware store. a place where they sell a broad array of things to humans. where do you live? maybe you can google "where can I get "x" in "where you live here"
Maybe you could be more helpful? I mean to assume I havent tried all of that already is quite arrogant. USA is the only place that has shops with 5,000,000 useless pieces of hardware crap in a rural towns.


Well-Known Member
since when have lights been useless? hard to be helpful when the only thing I know is that you are from earth....Tell me where you live and I'll try to help you find.


:\ working with another braindead.... I offered as much help as I could earlier and then he tells me to be more helpful with no information. smh