How I'd Grow if I Grew.


Well-Known Member
yeah the dnaa 60 day wonder i cant get to last longer than 2 days the purple jems are doing fine now lol they just need to be transplanted bad and I dont have any funds for dirt lol not gonna get all bent over it anymore though lol they were freebies got my rent paid new job gas till i make some money so just cool with that cash starts coming back in gonna get things rolling again.

ur avatar cracks me looks like ur noiding out in the desert


Well-Known Member
Dude I cant keep up with you, your all over the place! lol

I hope it gets better for ya man, I feel ya...


Well-Known Member
you da man delux
dont know what i did but TY =D
Dude I cant keep up with you, your all over the place! lol

I hope it gets better for ya man, I feel ya...
lol sorry i do that sometimes but its because ive been out of work for a couple of weeks which means out of weed i should start making tips again next week then ill be able to chill out some.


Active Member
Rough grow so far, been lurking hard core. Gonna sub and follow, this seems like a journey with it's up and it's downs, but when it ends it shall end in a puff of glory.


Well-Known Member
Well they're alive and im broke ones a male for sure so F it dont even know if when i make tips next week even be worth transplanting them but here my lil mini plants 20 since they broke surface lol they so small :wall::-P:sad:

Edit oh yeah the first one the male and the last one FINALLY started growing lol took it 2.5 weeks to get past first set of leafs haha



Active Member
Pics looking good.
Rando Qtion for ya..
Do you think the blue cups absorbs some of the blue light that the plants need for veg especially??

I'm high, and its probably not true, but then it sorta seems like it'd make sense.

Any one have any science-e type answers for me?


Well-Known Member
lol the pics look like crap thanks though those fuckers should be way bigger than that but got laid off b4 i made it to buy soil so now they stuck in those cups till next week... well guess they do look good other than the fact they are FUCKING TINY have no idea bout the blue cups i just hate red


Well-Known Member
ok gonna be at least a week b4 i can buy some dirt should i just go dig some up just 3 plants gotta be better than leaving them in those cups..... right?


Active Member
Hmm, really depends what area your in I suppose, but you could always just go outside and get some dirt...As long as your using chemical nurtients and not relying on organic nutrients I don't see why it wouldn't work?


Well-Known Member
im just not willing to cook the soil in my house to sterilize it so guess im worried about the pest....and i use botanicare organic pro grow, bloom, and cal/mag...


Active Member
Just a suggestion, I guess I never really considered pests as an issue, but I wouldn't wanna risk it either.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, really depends what area your in I suppose, but you could always just go outside and get some dirt...As long as your using chemical nurtients and not relying on organic nutrients I don't see why it wouldn't work?
without proper sterilization it could bring all kinds of problems to your garden


Well-Known Member
holly shit why didnt anyone tell me that over night a male plant will just blow the fuck up and have balls everywhere!!! how long do i let him grow? when do i collect the pollen? and i put a 2 litre back over him so he could stay in the same room is that enough?


Well-Known Member
Dudes are FAST! Like lil Ben Rothlesbergers, runnin around rapin chicks! The pollen wont prolly 'burst' for a week. Jus watch his nuts,lol. When they start to split<<<ouch! Hes bussin loads!


Active Member
I found 2 males today. It feels nice getting rid of them. Could almost hear my plants scream pleasure when I saw that the lights would penetrate alot nicer on the sides.

I've never considered keeping a male cause the risk of seeding your female is to great, and the last thing I want is seeds. It's just a pain.

If you do keep the male however, let me know some of the methods you use to keep the pollen off the females and how well the work.


Well-Known Member
Dudes are FAST! Like lil Ben Rothlesbergers, runnin around rapin chicks! The pollen wont prolly 'burst' for a week. Jus watch his nuts,lol. When they start to split<<<ouch! Hes bussin loads!
haha thats some funny shit, he is a tiny lil fucker lol they both are finaly made mone again tonight WOOHOO so will transplant the female and the one that hasnt sexed yet.. gotta get ready for my outdoe too :clap::clap: oh yeah nother alaskan told me that autos in alaska are EPIC outdoors. we will see fuck havent got one of these 60 day wonders to last 48 hours though but sun only sets for like 3 hours a day now so its time to get that poppin off

I found 2 males today. It feels nice getting rid of them. Could almost hear my plants scream pleasure when I saw that the lights would penetrate alot nicer on the sides.

I've never considered keeping a male cause the risk of seeding your female is to great, and the last thing I want is seeds. It's just a pain.

If you do keep the male however, let me know some of the methods you use to keep the pollen off the females and how well the work.
just got a 2 litre bottle over him hes that small he still fits with the party cup but barly, but i saw a guy here on riu that just trimed all the balls i mean all them but the main cola? lol is that what you would call it. but all he did is put a ziplock bag over the balls until it was time to collet them and he had 0 seeds on the rest


Active Member
Well good luck with your seeds adventure. If it works out it might be the information I need to take the risk myself.


Well-Known Member
well hope something good comes of it anyone know what happens if you breed a male auto with a female reg?