How important is humidity & what percentage should it be in veg and in bloom REP +


Active Member
How impryamt is humidity... I've always thought having lower humidity is better to avoid germs n powdery mildew... However I think I may have had my girls in veg in too little humidity and now they feel paper dry n the leafs are spirally and jagged... From what I know it's good to have humidity at 50% in veg and till about mid bloom then in mid bloom it's good to lower humidity to 30 or 20% ... is that right???

I had my settings set to 20% humidity in veg that's why there not doing so well... Do u think there done n I should start fresh or can these litlle girls still recover from such low humidity since I have raised It to 50% ???? .. ohh. Yea it's day 5 of veg


Well-Known Member
You have alot to learn. RH should be 95 for clones. 60-70veg and 40-60flowering. Lights off should be 15-18c and when on 21c-28c. If you want to raise your RH, Just put buckets of water in your room or mist your plants
Lower your temps to raise your RH, vice-vers.
Give them a good mist 50 is fine try to get 55 at least.


Well-Known Member
Temps control humidity levels based on how much water the air can hold. And the size of the room. Now as the plant gets taller it puts more moisture into the room.
A cooler room would be more humid than a hott room. Whats your temp? day/night.


Active Member
Yea I just gave them a mist with some b in the spray ... The humidity is still not where I like it to be so I'm on my way to grab a humidifier with a dialer n I'll make sure the humidity will be up to 60 % by tonight in veg ....

My temps are 79 when lights on and 69 when lights off


Active Member
yea man ur good, 5 days of veg with low humidity is fine, i had the same issue the RH was real low like 20%, i bought a humidifier from walmart for 15 bucks and it raised it to 60%, good luck bud


Active Member
Fuck thanx man for that good news I was a lil worried there ......

This is my biggest trade off .... I turn on my ac I can turn on an extra light but my humidity will drop to 20% !!!!!

Or do what I'm doing now drop the ac n drop 1 light then my humidity will rise, it's at 50-60% now and this is with all lights off i'll see what happens to the humidity when the lights are back on but I'm quote sure the humidity will drop the question is to what %


Active Member
you should be fine bro i had my RH at like 20 to 30 for the first 4 or 5 weeks of my first grow it turned out GREAT so as long as you fix the problem as soon as you can everything will be fine, to see changes take effect, that will take 3-5 days so dont b impatient


Active Member
Sweet thanks so much this really helps me feel a but more secure I got my fingers. Crossed n the humidifier in action hopefully everything will be great in a few days