How important is it to dry in a dark place???(quick reply please)


Well-Known Member
just harvested a plant and im about to hang dry it somewhere but i dont have anywhere thats completely dark... i can probably workj somehting out if its very important that its dark tho...
so how important is it that it drys in a dark place? would it be ok just to hang it in my room or bathroom if its not completely dark? would i be sacrificing taste/thc??


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply but what im simply asking is how important is it to be dark??? if it doesnt dry in a dark place will i be sacrificing potency?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
How do the Pros do it? Tobacco Farmers has been dry/curing the leaf for 200 years. Their drying barns has as little light as possible. I keep my shit in complete darkness.


Well-Known Member
there's something in cervante's bible about needing to hang in the dark because the chlorophyll wont break down properly in the light or something like that. I'll check for you when i get home if you like. i definitely remember him saying it needs to be dark. maybe not absolutely pitch dark, but definitely dark.


Well-Known Member
How do the Pros do it? Tobacco Farmers has been dry/curing the leaf for 200 years. Their drying barns has as little light as possible. I keep my shit in complete darkness.
South Texas is like a text book, where do u get ur info? you seem to know everything...

Light degrades THC.