How is it made?



How is it made?
Those dense compact structure buds?

Is it all about genetics or is there a trick to make those looking buds...
I know dealer that put his bud in vaccum plastic bag which presses it to slightly smaller denser buds...


Hahah im not dealing, just growing my own stuff and wondering what's really does makes the big difference, My answer is genetics as enviornment is adjustable and with a good enough AC and dehumidifier...

What does is it mean plenty of light? CO2 + 1000W?

How is made the huge difference in quaility? why is there a quaility difference between growers?

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
The earlier I try growing (outdoor) auto-flower strains the fluffier my end result. No matter the weather or sun intensity during ripening. I think the plant needs to be very happy all it’s life especially when it decides to start flowering. I think if it’s stressed (cold for example) during flower initiation it will produce less quality flower no matter the care given later in flower.
So I know your talking indoor but it still relates. Keep it happy always. And don’t flip lights till your sure it’s happy in its environment.

Plus light intensity , strain , fresh air, moving air, relative humidity , so on so on so on.
I don’t know if 1000watts is nessesary to make tight buds but it sure will work. I’m sure lots of tight buds came from 400 watt lights as well.

Please don’t take anything I say as truth. I’m still trying myself to achieve tighter buds. Even though bud density really doesn’t matter.


Well-Known Member
Different growers can make a big difference too. You could take a room and split it half and have two growers with the same setup, nutes, etc. And have two different quality flowers.


Well-Known Member
I found excessive heat is a large factor but there are so many factors in this equation... which has already been stated... just gotta keep dialing it in man!


Well-Known Member
Hahah im not dealing, just growing my own stuff and wondering what's really does makes the big difference, My answer is genetics as enviornment is adjustable and with a good enough AC and dehumidifier...

What does is it mean plenty of light? CO2 + 1000W?

How is made the huge difference in quaility? why is there a quaility difference between growers?
The difference is skill, i will smoke most of your buds if they are average or above, some are like anal collectors of only the finest but thats more a measure of their character and imo weed should be fun and enjoyable :-)


Well-Known Member
When I got my temps down. I started putting out better buds.
I had plenty of light. But went to led for tempature reasons.

Everything else the same except temps were under 80f and the led.

Little Rock’s.