the crazy behind the crazinessI hear you, agree with you and understand. I spent most of my life getting high and I like it. It helps me focus and quells my ADD tendencies. Then MS came along. I can tell you for a fact after trying scads of big pharma meds that cannabis and derivatives do a much better job as an analgesic (pain relief) and as a muscle relaxant. Now since I eventually get high also, horrible side effect that one, that brings me back full circle. A win win really IMHO.

Nothing wrong with getting high..but don't use it as an excuse, others have used to save their lives with ppphhhtttt people seem to have issues with wanting to get high lol
When they TRY and make it look another way..We will make sure they realize how it is
at least your side effects CANT AND WILL NOT EVER KILL YOU!. no matter how hard you try!
and ITS AWESOME you have found another better way!!