How long before i can take


so i had 5x brainstorm fem and they all sprouted(all growing in hydroton no rockwool) and because of an unfortunate accident 3 got killed , i droped a buket on them :/ im already kicking myself, my question was how many nodes should i wait before taking cuttings (would like to take 2 per plant just for better odds)


Well-Known Member
doesnt really matter but you want the plant big enough for the cuttings to have atleast 3 nodes for a 90%+ success rate


^^^ this.

when your bottom sets of branches are 3+ inches long or so...
i like to put a cfl near the bottom branches to help them get bigger if i need clones fast.


Thanks for the info also on a side note when i removed the 3 dead ones from the cloner i noticed roots out the bottom already( pretty surprised after 4 days) so for kicks i tossed them in my dwc setup with next to no nutes to make up for lossing the cotyledon leaves (severed them) and one of them started new growth any chance it will make it? Im amazed by the resilience of these plants


not the answer i was looking for haha hey i can dream but yea i figured as much o well not gonna hurt to leave them in there a while and see what happens


Well-Known Member
I don't see why it wouldn't. As long as it has roots and a few leaves up top it can grow whatever else it needs.


Well-Known Member
That was a joke buddy, there's no way in really knowing. aah well. They are resilient little bastards though aren't they?


I don't see why it wouldn't. As long as it has roots and a few leaves up top it can grow whatever else it needs.
yea might have choped said leaves off haha thats y this is really just more of an experiment and yes they are i shocked the hell outta a plant we had kicking around, kicked the bucket over in a snow bank and shaked the hell outta the roots under water and stuck in the hydro set and still came back strong, the plant had next to no leaves just a bagseed i was using to test out a lot of new stuff