How long can you grow a plant in a solo cup?


Well-Known Member
I've kept vegging plants in solos for months.Once the cup is fully rooted,they will require frequent waterings.To answer your thread question,as long as you can keep them healthy.
What size pots are you going to flower in?
What is your desired height of plant(after stretch)?
Have you run the strain/s before?
If you are going yo veg for 16 more days,up-potting may be best at this point.It will give the roots a chance to get thru the new medium and get settled good before you flip to flower.
You will know when they are unhappy and want new shoes.


Well-Known Member
"How long can you grow a plant in a solo cup?"

Until it dies.

A lot depends on strain. Some tolerate being root bound more than others. Other factors like environment play a part. You'll see problems when the plant is trying to transpire more moisture than it can get due to the foliage to root mass ratio.


Well-Known Member
The problem with growing in cups from my experience is the plant stays pretty small until you transplant, I like to transplant asap once they have 3 or 4 sets I move em out nd once the roots can shoot out without finding more roots or a cup wall the plant will explode, dont keep them in cups too long it retards growth.

T macc

Well-Known Member
I would transplant into at least a gallon pot. It's a real pain to keep small pot plants happy. Unless you want to experiment to gain the hands on knowledge


Well-Known Member
I keep them for long periods of time! Just for space reasons.. when I have the room for them then only 2 weeks is norm for me!

This last summer I stopped growing and kept 3 of my stains alive in a armoire for 4 months in red cups with no love or feedings just some recharge and plain water not phed.. the plants looked like shit when the 4 months was done but in weeks after that they was happy as ever .. you can check my post about it...