How long did it take to get your seeds in the mail (US) from Nirvana?


Active Member
I'm bummin' now...nothing in my mailbox today :-(

I'll give it until Friday when it will be 15 days since my beans shipped and I'll have to contact Nirvana's help desk.

At this point I'd be happy just to get the "customs letter" to know the pkg was at least shipped.

In preparing for the worst...Should I dispute the CC charges if the beans (or anything) never arrives?


Well-Known Member
dont discount alice just yet. i went through a shipping issue and they resent it, and got it like 4 days later. unfortunately they will tell you to wait 30 days (or at least another week) and then contact them again. just be polite about it and iam sure they will react kindly, at least they did in my case =)


Active Member
I'm pretty calm and cool when it comes to this that's not a problem at all..I've made purchases with the old Seedbay and Attitude and only 1 shipment got snagged by customs in 2002 and I dealt with that...

I'm just let down a little cuz I was on a tight schedule to get this grow done as I'm leaving out of the Country for a week on Halloween Day......(crosses fingers)...hopefully they'll be here by Saturday :-/


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty calm and cool when it comes to this that's not a problem at all..I've made purchases with the old Seedbay and Attitude and only 1 shipment got snagged by customs in 2002 and I dealt with that...

I'm just let down a little cuz I was on a tight schedule to get this grow done as I'm leaving out of the Country for a week on Halloween Day......(crosses fingers)...hopefully they'll be here by Saturday :-/
ya i hear ya on that, i almost couldnt fit my grow in because of the problem i had. wierd part was i didnt even get a customs letter or anything, just a plain no show.


Well-Known Member
nirvana gets me to in 9 days, attitude gets to me in 7 days.
both banks are good, but that extra two days sways my impatient self to the attitude side :)


Active Member
Got my beans today from Nirvana!

Great packaging and the stealth was pretty awesome, and the order was correct...

One small thing Nirvana....


Yup, the USPS must have had this package sitting on a desk for research for the last 8-10 days, but it's in good shape and was never opened thankfully

Let the germination begin!


Well-Known Member
Got my beans today from Nirvana!

Great packaging and the stealth was pretty awesome, and the order was correct...

One small thing Nirvana....


Yup, the USPS must have had this package sitting on a desk for research for the last 8-10 days, but it's in good shape and was never opened thankfully

Let the germination begin!
woot glad to hear it man good luck with your grow! oh and forgive me if i missed it but what did you order?


Well-Known Member
I have ordered 3 times from Nirvana with NO problemos @ all. They have my business for sure. I had problems germing some Bubblelicious Auto Fems and they sent me new ones less then a week later.. A+++


Well-Known Member
my last order (most recent order too) was from Nirvana.

I got the feminized 5pack of their AK48 strain. I got the beans in exactly 9 days. Which isn't bad considering the distance the beans had to travel to get to me.. and especially coming over from the UK.

I've always been happy with Nirvana.. I've made 5 total orders from them. 5 different strains.. and never once had any problems recieving my order.. nor have I ever had any smashed or cracked/damaged seeds from Nirvana. Usually always get my beans within 7 to 10 days.

I've made 3 orders from Attitude too.. same applies to them as well. Never not one problem with any 3 of my orders from them.

Call it luck.. or.. I call it.. 'knowing how to take care of business' ;)

anyhow, that's my 2cents worth.
