How long do carbon filters last


Hi ALl, I have a small 2 x 2 grow tent and a AC Infinity 4 inch fan and carbon filter. I was wondering how long the filters last and when I should plan to order another filter? I am approaching 6 months and it seems fine now, I was thinking replacing it every year, but the tent is very small too. Any help is apprreciated. Tx
I normally get a new one every 5 year ,and its always worked out ok.Every 6 month I buy a new sleeve ,mainly because the exhaust fan thats pulling air into filter will be pulling any dust particles onto sleeve,you can wash them ,but there cheap so i just buy another.
Its hard to say, as lots of stuffs playing a role. ( Like how much air drawn out and so on )

So best advice would be to do a nose tersting every now and then.
I´ve had filters that lasted 4-5 years and others that only did manage just below 2 years.

The long lasting ones, i used 2 x 4700 M3 carbon fgilters, for an 6000 m3 extractor and on the low note, 1 x 1000 m3 filter, for an 800 m3 extractor.

So my best bet, is that oversizing your carbon filters, will make them last longer.
Thanks for the responses. I think it may last a while as the grow is so small. I think I will order a new one to be on hand in case it goes bad though, but I figure it will last me about 2 years maybe.

Thanks for the responses. I think it may last a while as the grow is so small. I think I will order a new one to be on hand in case it goes bad though, but I figure it will last me about 2 years maybe.


I always keep a spare of the important things. Light, Fan and carbon filter.
I like to dry without the filter.

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I was getting concerned about my one it's 2/3 y/o I pulled off the ducting which is a right pain of a job, anyway its still fresh as I was pleasantly surprised.