The odor molecules that get trapped by the carbon can't be blown out with air. They are trapped in minute cavities in the carbon and can be forced out by heat. I can't recall the temp but it's around 400F. Can't go over 451F as that is the ignition temp for stuff like that and the odor molecules themselves are a bit like lighter fluid so it would act like charcoal briquettes if it gets hot enough. Baking the carbon in the oven will be stinky as hell tho.
Give me the dimensions of the filter and I'll calculate the volume of carbon for you. Inside and outside diameter of the cylinder holding the carbon and it's length. Just the length of the cylinder holding the carbon excluding the flanges. I have a brand new 24x6" 600cfm one still all wrapped up in it's original packaging I bought 4 years ago and never got around to using. Was $170 then.
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