how long do i have to wait

i have been flowering since march 17th and havent seen any white hairs yet. i know theyre females. brought them from online. im just wondering hw long do i have to wait to see ne hairs or are their ne variables that might affect the wait .


Active Member
well somtimes it takes two to three weeks to see hairs depending on strain

and yes there are lots of variables, like how much light and so on...

how long did you veg?


Well-Known Member
i answer this question 5 times aday you could post up pic and we could tell you,
or look at pic of peoples harvest and judge from that
if you look at it and you think it's ready give it 3 more weeks lol.
and always check your tric's and the hairs should be 70%ish red or brown. good luck
heres the link to the pic for a close up

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
put that pipe down sickstoner my man waz askin how long til they start flowering not when are they finished. and to smoothblack im not sure how long it waz cuz my other account cant be accessed for reasons i will not dispose. but i think it waz around damn near thirty days before i seen any hair action from a couple of my strains but once they ytake off they take off so just be patient u will be pumpin buds in no time.
well i guess patience is all i need. newayz here are a few pics of da plants right now. theyve been flowering for 11 days now. i vegged for 33 days. the strain is a white widow. 8 23 watt cfls. just introduced bloow nutes on saturday. ph is around 6.1- 6.5. constant air circulating.temp stays around 74- 76 with lights on , 65-67 with lights off. i was wondering does ne 1 know ne reason y my leaves could b drooping ?

