How long do you veg


Well-Known Member
I veg for only 1 week., I use clones. I find for my hydro system this is the best. I veged for 2 weeks and 3 weeks before, and i find that if i just add a little extra veg food for the first week of budding than the plants get the same size as if iveged for 2 weeks. I get just over an ounce a plant. and i finish every 8-9 weeks!


Elite Rolling Society
I agree 100% with Mostly Crazy and I get about the same results too, for Indica strains.

The longer the VEG cycle, the more the yield.
Consider this, in nature, outdoors, we plant a seed in mid to late April. It grows through April, May, June, July, and in mid to late July, as the sun's rays change, the plant naturally changes from VEG to FLOWER, with the diminishing sun's rays. That is nature's way. The plant grows and matures to an adult plant for about 3 to 4 months. We can tell it is an adult when the nodes are not all the same and when we see alternating leaves start and not opposing leaves. THEN, it makes flowers. That is nature's way.

Indoors, in HYDRO with feeder tubes, we cut that time in half, by using 24/7 LIGHT. instead of 3 months, or 13 weeks, it takes about 6 weeks to become a mature plant in HYDRO, with 24/7 LIGHT.

OK, also in nature, we see most animals and humans reproduce at maturity or adulthood. If a human, (or dog or any animal) is forced to make babies before maturity, like getting a 12 yr old girl pregnant, then the babies are weak, or runts, or deformed, and just not at their best.
A dude here, a most experienced, knowledgable grower named fdd2blk (and a MOD here too) he posted and taught me a long time ago, that it does not make sense, it is not wise, it is not logical, to make a child have a child, and it is not wise or smart or logical to make an immature baby plant, have babies. LET THE BABIES GROW UP AND LET THE ADULTS MAKE BABIES.

In HYDRO, If you will VEG Indica for 5 weeks, to 6 weeks, you will have more time for proper TOPPING, PRUNING, AND FIMMING, and you'll get bigger plants, and you will also have a mature adult plant, ready to make healthy, stronger babies (flowers) .

If you begin Indica Flowering, after VEGGING 3 or 4 weeks, you will harvest about 60% to 75% of what you would have harvested, IF you had waited and VEGGED for 5 or 6 full weeks.

This info applies to rapid growing in Hydro, and to Indica strains. NOT slowly in SOIL, and NOT Sativa.

I average 3 to 4 ounces per plant, VEGGING 5 to 6 weeks, and I have gotten 7 ounces from one plant, the one you see at my signature. I got that with planned, proper Topping and Pruning and Fimming, and creating more tops or cola sites.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody for the input my plants are about almost five weeks and to me look small they are about 1o inchs tall and a foot wide really bushy and i would like to thank roseman for all the info on everything (dwc) the pic. Was from 2weeks ago

