how long does each step take n wut should i xpect


Active Member
okay so I'mma new grower n I was just wonder what should I xpect over the next couple weeks n how I should change up my careing techniques. So far its been a week n 3 days the one n my grow area have 2 lil leafs n 2 bihher leafs n r bout 3 inches tall. N then the ones n the window seal r about 4 n 3 quartas tall but the 2nd set of leafs r still smalll. Please ffill me n!


Well-Known Member
welcome to rollitup! what light do you use? is there any way you could put some pics up?

Your plants are in the seedling phase, it is the most delicate stage, you need to make sure they dont dry out. i use peat pots and water from the bottom to make the roots seek the water, this makes the top of the plant grow (before a plant can grow up top it has to have sufficient root system to stabilise and feed it). For me the seedling stage took about 18 days (im using top 44), when the plant has four sets of true serated leaves then it is in vegetation. during vegetation the plant grows and stregnthens itself for flowering.
I didnt veg my top 44 hardly at all, they didnt need it, when they had about 6 sets of leaves i put them under 12/12 and they trebled in size!

What strain are you growing? i take it your in the USA?

tom x


Active Member
Well the ones that r supper tal r just useing sunlight but there all starting 2 slump ova ill put up pix as soon as my nternet is fixed cus right now I'm just on my phone. N n the room I'm useing a big heating lamp of some sort I actualy got it from a pet store I don't know specifects then I also have grow floresent as well. N then I have a big heater vent blowing n there I keep the temp at about 74ish n my light rotation is 19 light n 5 sleep. I'm honestly not sure wut kinda it is just some seeds frm shit I thought was awesome.


Active Member
Ohhh shit n I almost forgot I'm useing organic soil. Idk it just sounded like a good idea. N some shake n feed by mircle grow we don't have ne plant stores realy around here just walmart what else do I need?


Well-Known Member
you need real grow lights. the heat lamp is doing NO good unless you are living a cold climate, sorry. The heat lamp does not produce the right spectrum for plants. What kind of grow light do you kind of sounds like your plants are stretch. Sadly growing is in no way cheap. Do some searches on CFL growing that is you best bet if you are trying to go cheap


Well-Known Member
you need a hps (high pressure sodium) light. My whole setup cost me £180 including seeds.

I have; a 250w hps and ballast (from a net company)
Miracle grow soil (i would have chosen organic if i had time)
peat pots (to plant seedlings direct into 3 gallon pots)
Bio bizz ferts
£3 Ph test kit

the light is essential!a 250w hps is enough to grow 4 small plants in both veg and flower stages.its a really good basic investment to get an unlimited amount of weed in the future.

take a look at how mine are shaping up a month and a half in.

good luck!

