How long does ecstasy stay in your pee?


Active Member
if you did take the E and failed that pisstest you would regret that shit forever. u didnt so wtg. i also heard thhat E takes 2-4 days toget out of system. thing is tho you cant be sure what they used to make that pill these days. pure molly(MDMA) is 2-4 days, but those pills are part molly part whatever's clever. sometimes that shit has H in it, know heroin is a whole differnt mess. opiot i think dunno........
no matter what drug, food, drink, anything really. if its done in excess it will take its toll on your body one way or another.
a little extasy is great imo. ever seen any1 that has done alot of extasy? i know a few,not good,not good. i dont give a fuck if there are holes in your brain or not, those people lost a lil sumthing.
but couple hits of e a year.............. should be MANDATORY for the whole world


Active Member
Some piss tests check for heavily diluted urine. The smarter we get, the smarter they have to get.

Similar to the theories of evolution, survial of the fittest, and natural selection. Good ol' Darwin at work in society! Funny.