How long does germination take usually, i am seeing results within 20hrs on new tech

The Undertoker

Active Member
Hi Peeps,

Just recently i posted a thread about "the Church" and how to get her germinated as she is a tricky one. I was given a lot of advise and mix and matched and hatched my own little plan. I have since tested this technique 3 times and am seeing 10-20mm tap roots within 20-24hrs.

Personally ive never known germination to be this quick but its workin, i wondered if you guys are achieving the same results or whether i have hit on something new?

Comments pleeez peeps:blsmoke:


Active Member
I dont know what happend, but I'm not seeing my last post on here... so I'll give it another try, sorry if it's a repeat but could you fill me in a little on what new tech is exactly. I would absolutely love to have results that quickly.

The Undertoker

Active Member
Hi Kay, sure.

I just meant new technique, im using kitchen towel, a black dvd case, and then wrapping all that in two Black doggy poop pick up bags and wedging it between my 5.1 speaker amp and pc, (temps running at around 82), i know it sounds laughable with the doggy poop pick up bags, but hey man its working, i will put up step by step photos if y'all are interested.

Seriously though Friday night 10'oclock i did this with a packet of K.C sweet dreams, by 6 oclock sat evening 9 out of the ten had cracked and 5 had tails approx 15mm long, i planted 9 and left the odd one till this morning and even that came out so 10 out of 10, 90 percent in 20 hrs and the last 10 percent in 30 hrs, i am stunned at the speed man, hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is my germination technique which i have had a 100% rate with so far

Half fill shot glass with PH6 water
allow seeds to soak for about 6hours
PLant into medium and cover with a humidity dome.
Place under 18/6 using a 24w 6400k T5

After 1 day tap roots heading down into the medium.
afer 2 days new seedlings emerge from the medium.

here is a link to my thread where i am documenting everthing

Hope this helps.

I personally dont like using the the paper towels etc. It runs the risk of drying the tap root out if you arent carefull.
Just remember that the way this works in nature is the plant pollenates makes seeds these seeds which are fresh from the plant drop down to the ground and the moisture in the ground germinates them. There is no constant darkness as they are outside.

this being said i feel that once the seed has absorbed a little water only a little it is ready to plant and get light on it.

I do not believe in giving them darkness or paper towels as we are trying to recreate nature in our grows. When does nature ever have darkness for a seed to pop up and become a seedling? Never it gets the darkness from being in the medium.

Just my 2 pennies worth.

Sorry if this goes against everything anyone knows but this has proven effective for me if you check my thread.


The Undertoker

Active Member
Ok here is my germination technique which i have had a 100% rate with so far

Half fill shot glass with PH6 water
allow seeds to soak for about 6hours
PLant into medium and cover with a humidity dome.
Place under 18/6 using a 24w 6400k T5

After 1 day tap roots heading down into the medium.
afer 2 days new seedlings emerge from the medium.

here is a link to my thread where i am documenting everthing

Hope this helps.

I personally dont like using the the paper towels etc. It runs the risk of drying the tap root out if you arent carefull.
Just remember that the way this works in nature is the plant pollenates makes seeds these seeds which are fresh from the plant drop down to the ground and the moisture in the ground germinates them. There is no constant darkness as they are outside.

this being said i feel that once the seed has absorbed a little water only a little it is ready to plant and get light on it.

I do not believe in giving them darkness or paper towels as we are trying to recreate nature in our grows. When does nature ever have darkness for a seed to pop up and become a seedling? Never it gets the darkness from being in the medium.

Just my 2 pennies worth.

Sorry if this goes against everything anyone knows but this has proven effective for me if you check my thread.

Dude, that makes perfect sense, i like yr attitude man.

I dont go as deep with ph's and what not but hey im lovin yr info and i guess ill digest some too, cheers:blsmoke:


Active Member
After looking back at a few of my failed attempts at the papertowel method (not just mary beans germinating) I decided to try the "humidity dome" method by using plastic wrap to seal the top of the pot making it a mini green house. Figured I'd try it on some radish and green onion seeds b4 I waste any valuable seeds lol. About 30 hours into it and no sprouts yet. The (17"x17"x17") box I am keeping them in stays pretty steady around 77F, with a 42w cfl that is on 24/7. Should I try and raise the temps a bit higher to help keep the medium a bit warmer since I do not have a heating mat and the temps outside the box are usually 65-72.


Active Member
I think I'll just hook up a 23w cfl and hang it close to the bottom of the pots for a little extra heat in the soil. I'll just have to pay close attention and make sure not to over heat or dry out my medium. I seem to always find some reason to get in the box about once an hour anyway lol. Does anyone know about how many watts those little seedling heating pads use?


Active Member
I just got my shipment in of White Widow fem and Blackberry Kush fem seeds.

I germinate with this technique.

I take a small tupperware sandwich box. Then I take a clean unused cloth dish towel. I lay one side of the towel in the sandwich box and pour some bottled water in. Just enough water to make the dish towel damp. I place my seeds in and label them accordingly. Then i cover them up and pour some more water on the top. I then drain off the excess and put the top on the sandwich box. I then placed the box in a dark corner of my closet.

After 32 hours all 4 of my seeds had a tap root showing. The method I just described has not yet failed me. Just thought I would share.

The Undertoker

Active Member
:peace:All sounds like good info to me,

Kay , i think most of the posts here all agree on the whole. I'd say yes increase those temps, i sometimes use a reptile cage floor mat heat pad, cheap cheerful and works!( Wattage no known but id bet its way down low) but for the method i have been using lately its been more a case of the ambient temperature in the surroundings, ie next to p.c or in the airing cupboard or by the hot water tank etc etc.

I'd move location to germinate as the cfl's would need to be more or less touching to create the temps ive been using for germination, (constant 82F), just a thought dude.

Its all good info guys, keep it coming:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Another idea on the Himdity dome is to cut a clear plastic bottle up and use the bottom to place that over your germing seeds this is what i use as a humidity dome and once the seeds break the surface i pierce a few holes in the top to lower the humidity inside the dome and keep them in the dome for a few days then remove the dome at nights when the RH is higher then gradually take the domes off for a few hours each light cycle to harden them off.
