How long does it generally take to sprout in the woods?

Attach Lamps

Active Member
I planted a seed roughly a week ago (and some even longer ago) and none have sprouted yet. How long should I wait before I give up on them?


Well-Known Member
If you just put them in some dirt outside, chances are they aren't going to germinate. It is too late to start outdoors now as well. The very latest you can start is mid july, and even then you will get very little unless you have many plants..


Well-Known Member
I always use a paper towel or stack some paper plates up and soak them in warm water. Then put some seeds in the middle of them or fold up some paper towel it will only take a couple days!!!!! But do not wait very long the root fast that way. If you let them get a lil root be very very careful with them there babies good luck

Attach Lamps

Active Member
Well, I germinated the first few, but I also had them in miracle grow, which I have since found out probably caused nute burn. And I also think I overwatered them.
The rest I didn't germinate beforehand though.
I have some seeds germinating now, and I'm not sure if I want to plant indoors or out.
Outdoors I would have a very tiny yield if even any. But indoors I'd have to keep it small enough to hide in my room (though I'm not too concerned about it being found, my dad has a plant or two in the sunroom), plus I only have a 13 watt light, so I'm looking at 4 grams at most.
I don't really care though. I just want to grow a plant successfully, I don't really care if I only get a gram out of it. I'll worry about good plants come May.