how long does it take for a female cannabis preflower to show pistils?


Hello guys

please help, my new plant has shown pre flowers but I cannot discern yet pistils, they look fem they have the form of a pear round at the bottom and getting thin up, they dont look like male ones little ball standing on a branch, yet I dont now if pistils will appear since again i put a random seed? should I wait for I week they have appeared three days now?
thanks a lot


Active Member
If you have already started 12/12 you will know within 2 wks.. If you are not ready for 12/12 yet u can root a cutting and as soon as you have roots put your rooted cutting in 12/12. You'll have your answer within 2 weeks after that.


Well-Known Member
5 days for me on a quick flowering indica. 2 weeks is the longest it should take.


Well-Known Member
If you see the preflower then the pistil should be poking through any day now. Sometimes they are really thin and almost can see them without a loupe.


Thanks alot mate thats alot of hope they realy have the pear from no claw and are really thin, I cant upload a foto since I dont have a high resolution camera