how long does it take to germinate seeds


Active Member
Could take anywhere up to a week or more depending on method, I use paper towels in a paper plate setup and have them pop usually within 48 hours.


Active Member
get a glass pie dish put a paper towel in the bottom of the dish then your seeds the towel again. next for the water USE DISTILLED WATER ITS A MUST!!! do not use tap water! you will only use a cup of water if that, add two drops of bleach to your water now wet paper towel down. then get a heating pad put it on LOW HEAT put it under the pie dish let it sit for a day or two. keep CLEAN WATER on hand make sure its wet at all times!!!in THREE DAYS you should have sprouts.

bud up

get a glass pie dish put a paper towel in the bottom of the dish then your seeds the towel again. next for the water USE DISTILLED WATER ITS A MUST!!! do not use tap water! you will only use a cup of water if that, add two drops of bleach to your water now wet paper towel down. then get a heating pad put it on LOW HEAT put it under the pie dish let it sit for a day or two. keep CLEAN WATER on hand make sure its wet at all times!!!in THREE DAYS you should have sprouts.
Its been about two days. Most of the seeds sprouted after about 24 hrs but 2 of the seeds show no sprouts and its been at least two days. I haven't given up on them yet. I've never heard of putting any bleach in during germination.

When and if they sprout I'll post the time.

bud up

Its been about two days. Most of the seeds sprouted after about 24 hrs but 2 of the seeds show no sprouts and its been at least two days. I haven't given up on them yet. I've never heard of putting any bleach in during germination.

When and if they sprout I'll post the time.
By the way I'm useing spring water is this good or bad?

Its my first grow and wow ventilation is a must lol. temps can get out of range very quickly even with cfl's in a small area.


Hey I planted mine on a foam cup with normal outside nasty dirt, and i gave it up, I even just left the cup without any water for a week sitting on my rooms floor, after 2 weeks I randomly noticed it had sprouted! a friend told me to water it with 'boiled bean water' and it died.:wall:


Well-Known Member
I just use tap water that has been sitting for a day, with the plate and paper towel method.I use my furnace room to let them sprout and plant them when they are about 2cm long