How long does it take to process donation that i made?

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Well-Known Member
On 4/24/09 I made a donation to riu threw It is still "processing" i'm pretty pissed because it has now been 10 days, and i still cannot edit my own posts. WTF ... so if anyone knows how long this takes please let me know...

I checked my paypal account the transaction went through on the 25th of APRIL.....


Elite Rolling Society
On the thread that asked for a donation, I asked the same question. RIU, the man, replied that he was going away for a family emergency and would take care of it when he got back.


New Member
i just paid for mine to i hope i dont end up having to wait forever. pls admins get us hooked up soon pls :-)

Well-Known Member
i made my donation on the 27 and i still havent been updated and ive seen plenty of updates to others.?? i pm'ed rollitup 2 days ago???????? anyone else been waiting this long?..................................................thanks this elite membership is tops man great stuff.


New Member
i made my donation on the 27 and i still havent been updated and ive seen plenty of updates to others.?? i pm'ed rollitup 2 days ago???????? anyone else been waiting this long?..................................................thanks this elite membership is tops man great stuff.

they need more people that are admins of the forum...that are actually around more often. i understand people have other responsibilities. but if ppl are helping u pay for ur new servers id b all over settin ppl up as fast as possible...specially if u wanted the people to continue paying.

Is the only 1 that can do it Rollitup? if so change that, and add more admins PLS :cry:


Active Member
I have also been waiting a few days now. I donated $10 in the hopes I could help them with their servers and get into all the sections..I hope they start up dating soon because it sounds like there are a lot of people that have gave $$ and are getting nothing in return.
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