How long does it take to recover from topping and how many times should /could over a given time ?


Well-Known Member
For example

I top at week 4 , it's what 5-7 days to recover . And I want to veg for 7 weeks . realistically how many times should you top in a given timescale

Also do I need to keep topping in veg and not in flower

If that is the case would it be best to top once or twice and then fim or just lst

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
There is no set timetable. You top as often as you want until you get what you want. All depends on what you are trying to achieve. I have three blueberry plants I am mainlining and I have topped I think 3 times for 8 colas and the have been vegging for 7 weeks. Each plant gets topped multiple times though so I don't know how you wanna count that.

No, you don't want to top in flower. Would make no sense.


Well-Known Member
Don't top. LST and have no recovery time.
I LST and selectively top.

When I top I keep an eye on them. I did one the other day and it had recovered by the next evening, the pair of shoots below the cut top had already started to noticeably expand. Some take longer than that, but never more than a week.