How long does it take YOU to smoke a bowl?

Joshie D

Question is plain and simple :)

I say for me to smoke a fully packed bowl to myself takes me about 15 minutes, I like to make it last for half a tv show or what not and enjoy it for the next hr and a half !

but a few seconds ago I just finished my bowl I had packed to the brim in about 2 minutes I'm trying to get a nice stone before bed ;)


Active Member
yea by myself i get like 2 hits offa bong but with buddies we make the bowl last so everyone gets atleast 1 hit

Joshie D

a bowl for me is about a gram I bought an extention for my piece that is a diffused stem into a giant bowl that holds about a gram of nicely ground up herb


Well-Known Member
halfgram in a bong will last me two nice hits, maybe 3 depending on which bong Im using. A gram will go in 3-4 hits. Dont need much more than that to be high for a good two hours at least.

My favorite is taking very potent little tokes, I find I can save alot of weed this way. I like to use a small bong, pack about a .3 in there and brew it real nice. *SLLLLLLCCHHHLLLLLOOOOOOOOO*


Well-Known Member
Question is plain and simple :)

I say for me to smoke a fully packed bowl to myself takes me about 15 minutes, I like to make it last for half a tv show or what not and enjoy it for the next hr and a half !

but a few seconds ago I just finished my bowl I had packed to the brim in about 2 minutes I'm trying to get a nice stone before bed ;)
my gf says seconds lol

Joshie D

haha i love taking the huge rips but i love spreading it out where I can make 3 or 4 bowls last through a movie sometimes and have a constant smoke