How Long Does It Usually Take for a Planted Germinated Seed to Sprout?

d burg

I planted a germinated seed last night about 15 hours ago about 1/4 inch deep in soil and lightly covered and watered. The tap root was still pretty short when it was planted...maybe about half a cm.

How long does it usually take on average for it to begin sprouting above the soil?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
16 hours, and 35 minutes. Won't be long

J/K Man, should be poking up withing the next 24 hours, give or take.


Active Member
I don't bother with paper towels and other typical methods.
I just plant a seed into a party cup full of FFOF soil.
Water it well, then in about 2-3 days it sprouts.
Ever since I started doing this simple way,
I've got 100% germination success!
Make sure soil is moist, but not overly soaked
once it sprouts.


24hours to 6 days. Make sure to water well, keep moist, and make sure seed/root is covered from direct light. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Only if I see it curling up on the soil did I poke around once. I'd wait, as long as you're sure you didn't plant her too deep/.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt bother it d burg, just let it do its thing and dont worry it will pop up to say hello in notime

d burg

Thanks for the reassurance.

Do you all put light on it once it's in soil, and should I put plastic wrap over the pot?


Well-Known Member
i turn my lights on when the seed goes in the soil. dont worry about plastic wrap, it will grow.
just mist the seedling with water like twice a day for about a week after it sprouts, then when you water it pour the water into your container until you see some run off and you can still spray the leaves if you want to. after the plant starts growing its 2nd node (2nd set of leaves above first set) you can just water the soil. the reason i say mist it for a week is so it stays alive and the roots build up a bit before there the sole providers of the water :wink:

d burg

Well she's alive and doing well. This is her only after about 17 hours from breaking the soil. Already about 1.25 inches! I'm amazed how fast they grow.



Well-Known Member
dude thats a good seedling. 1.25 inches and already growing its first set of true leaves. not bad kid, not bad...keep it up brother, ill be around to help if you need it :wink:

the first set of true leaves is the new ones coming out, the first 2 that popped are the seed leaves and they will be turning yellow and maybe some brown in the next few days and fall off. nothing to worry about there brother

d burg

the first set of true leaves is the new ones coming out, the first 2 that popped are the seed leaves and they will be turning yellow and maybe some brown in the next few days and fall off. nothing to worry about there brother
Thanks! And that's good to know. I would have probably been concerned if you hadn't told me.

d burg

It's a pretty simple set up for now. She's in a plastic storage container that's about 2.5 ft tall with mylar on the inside.

The lights I plan on using are 4, maybe 5 26watt CFLs, but right now I only have 2 of them on the plant. Should I go ahead and put all on now?
Soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Don't have any nutes yet. What would you recommend?
Pot has about 3 gallons of soil in it
Small fan at the bottom of the container

Since she only has about 21 inches to grow, I'm thinking about possibly topping or lst. It may be good for it to have more side growth than top. I don't really know much about how to do that though...I've just read about them.

This plant is a Easy Ryder, by the way.


Well-Known Member
sounds like your on the right path bro. do you know about the 2700k and the 6500k light spectrum in the cfls right? 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower, in flower you still want about a 3:1 ration of 2700k to 6500k

for nutes man, i just use miracle grow all purpose plant food, its cheap and works
for flower i use some stuff from Canna. you can get whatever you decide man, they all work..since you got the ffof soil, you could get the trio pack from them. grow big, tiger bloom, big bloom. i always top my plants man, you get more main kolas that way, lst is awesome to it blows up the side nodes...