How long does stunting from over watering last?

hey guys.

think i might have over watered.

Plants havent been growing like they should under 550 watts hps.

if i did over water, how long will it take for normal growth to resume..

thanks boys.



Well-Known Member
If they don't move for about a week I transplant & carefully go over every aspect of conditions. :peace:


Active Member
is this a joke post? those plants look perfectly healthy. its pretty hard to over water a mature plant like those as long as the pots you are using have drainage holes in them, excess water just comes right out. Over watering is more common on very young seedlings, or in plants grown in containers with no drainage, such as 5 gallon buckets. In those, excess water just sits there and drowns the root system.
Thanks for the replys guys.

See the new growth coming out, see how its yellow and kind of veiny.

Could this mean my PH is out.

I always feed at 6.5-6.7...... but it seems my feed mix is at 4. somthing and i need to add a shit ton of ph up to get it to the mid 6's

any thoughts?
I feel like they should be doing better for being under 550 watts.

i did have the 400 dangeling lower a few days ago. temps got close to 90's. Anyone see any heat stress?

temps are 75-80 now and plants look better.

What do you guys think, im planning on making BHO honey oil out of the whole crop.

Do i have to do a flush since im not going to be smoking any of the green?

Any other advice would be great thanks ppl.


Well-Known Member
dont over do it or think to much, let em do there thing, been doing it for thousand of years, and plants do look healthy, tho are that Cups they are in ? if so I think you might want to consider to repot em, weed like room for its root, wont grow much more in diameter then the one of the pot and will keep a root net as big as plant matter over the soil ..