how long for milky trichomes?


Well-Known Member
I just checked mines cuz there are significantly more crystals today. 1/2 of the pistils is brown and the trichomes are clear...I don't know the strain, all i know its sativa. From seed to now is 11 weeks. I going crazy, looking at it like 10x a day arhhhhhhgh! When should i harvest?>


Well-Known Member
If its sativa you have a ways to go, Some flower 12 weeks alone, How long has it been flowering (12/12)


Well-Known Member
Flowering after about 4 weeks i would say. haha.. i dont really know. Its outdoor btw...I was hoping for harvest on New Years Day.. is that about right?..

atombomb, what would be the longest for sativa?


Well-Known Member
for sativas, you have about 11 weeks of flowering time. and that is at the short end. do something else to take your mind off of it, you most likely have a ways to go


Well-Known Member
No pics bro. Its just 1 small plant growing outside that i doubt will yeild more than a quarter ounce. Small time just practicing for next year!


Well-Known Member
if it is really a small plant, then u can probably get a light tight box or something with little holes or something. and put it over the plant 12/12 lol. i dont know... just to be sure they are in flowering. i dont think i'll ever try outdoor, it's too little of control over the plants.


Well-Known Member
where are the pics?[/quote

it was a little less than a 1/4 oz. dried.... this was the last bud. pic taked just before I smoked it.:weed:

I think i harvested on time( I say that cuz i dont exactly know how long i grew her for.... i liked the high but not the hashy taste... I waited for amber to just show up waited a couple of days and then cut em. It was small nugs but very potent.. The best smoke was definately the last bud here. It was cured for about 2 weeks.


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
looked good.
try indoors next time if you can.

I can relate cause my Sat is on the same time-line as yours.
I have been flowering since November.
I definitely still have another month to go. hopefully not much longer.

My Trichs are starting to cloud.
Here are some recent pics.

