How long have YOU been shmokin it up?


Uses the Rollitup profile
First toke was in '72.

Smoking mostly every day since. 56 years old, and completely healthy.

Grew my first plant outdoors in '73.

Set up my first indoor garden growing in dirt in '76.

Set up my first indoor garden growing in hydro in '78.

and several crops since then ... :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
talk about an old timer. hes been growing since before it was in style. +rep for being the most experienced veteran ive met on RIU


Active Member
I just started about 2 years ago, after I got out of the hospital from having surgery from chrones disease, so I was desperate, I knew I was about to die, I've tried weed a few times with friends but thought what the hell i'll give it one more try since nothing else was helping me, so I smoked a blunt with some friends and noticed I felt a little better and now 2 years later I'm doing so much better its crazy and i owe it to smoking marijuana. marijuana really is the best medicine for chrones disease. It has literally saved my life. I just wish I would have been smoking before I had surgery, because I know I wouldn't even had that surgery if I would have been smoking. Man I need a bowl. I smoke every day now and its the best thing that has ever happened to me haha. it really stimulates the hunger too :D


Well-Known Member
my first joint was in the summer of 1966. pin joint of thai stick. smoked just about everyday since. hard core, 5 joints at least a day, until i retired. then i started my first grow and toke just about all day. love it. would rather give up drinking then smoking.


Well-Known Member
off and on for 30 years got cancer so i am at home till next week as my loa is over from work and i am not done with chemo yet, i will go back for 30 days then i will be back home for another 6 months. cancer sucks but growing and smoking is the best