How long should I burn sulfer?


Well-Known Member
I got mold from a clone that I got from sum fucking idiot. I have access to a sulfer burner and was wondering if that would be a sure way of getting rid of it. should I hang the burner above my plants or below the tables? Also how long should I burn per day?


Active Member

Second I'll leave it on for 2 to 3 hours during the dark cycle...then repeat 3 days later to let the plants recover. Usually takes about 3 applications but some maintainance treatment later down the line doesn't hurt. Especially if your grow gets 'dense' and overgrown. A good defense is to keep the lower part of your plants 'open' and sucker free. That's where I usually see the crap start. Also too much air flow in the garden can spread the spores so be careful there.


Active Member
4th week of flowering those things shouldnt be too buddy, give it to them now so it has time to dissipate


Well-Known Member
thats a pic at 3 weeeks. The mold is mostly on the bottom of the plant. I have to have alot of air flow to keep my room under 80