How long should i leave lights on for?


Active Member
hey i have just got some snow white seeds and an going to plant them tommorow but how long do the lights need to stay on for? ho yeh and any comments on germination whould be helpfull thax :D:weed:


Well-Known Member
After the seed pops, leave the lights on 24hrs per day.

There's a ton of good info here on germinating seeds.

Just try the search function.

Good luck!


Active Member
i wouldnt leave the lights on 24 for long maybe two weeks at the most, i have a medical marijuana growers bible that says shorter light periods promote females they sugest 14on 10off i personally use 18on six off they also say keep your room cool, soil warm with heatpad, give the plant a small dose of some thing with high nitrogen(n) low pospheris(p)for more females. it also says 24 hour light will cause the plant to show its sex, up to two weeks later than it should..


Well-Known Member
veg your snow whites alittle longer than most ... they really seem to fill out well with a extra week in a aero/dwc setup. then lolipop them and bam they are off to the races.
I luv the fan leaves on this strain they are dark dark green and huge

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Obviously make sure you have a good quality timer. My friends do 8:8 and that seems to be fine.

8/8? That doesnt even make sense.

Dont listen to that advise^^.

You will need to have the light on for a minimum of 18 hours. With fluros your probably better off doing more than 18 hours but I dont know much about growing with fluros.


Active Member
It amazes me that a thread with this simple of a question can really have as many incorrect or just not helpful posts as this one and still hardly answer the question.

18/6 is the standard for a vegetative plant. Some people use 24 and it's ok, but 18/6 is standard.

12/12 to induce flowering.

Easy question, easy answer.


Well-Known Member
hey i have just got some snow white seeds and an going to plant them tommorow but how long do the lights need to stay on for? ho yeh and any comments on germination whould be helpfull thax :D:weed:
Welcome to RIU :hump:

We have a great function on here called GrowFAQ and is located on the top left of the page. Google also works very well for looking things up. There is a search function on here as well, but alot of ppl find it unfriendly to use. I think it works great but maybe its because I know how to use it.

Germination - wet a paper towel (not dripping soaking wet, but wet all over)...Place your seeds in there and fold the paper towel over it. Place on a saucer and cover with a bowl. Try and place that ontop of something warm like a cable box, computer monitor or on top of the fridge. Keep them in a warm and dark place and check them in 24 hours. Use a spray bottle and mist them if the towel is dry. If they have not shown a root, try again in 12 hours. You should have a tap root popping out within 48 hours using that method.

Come back for more info once they pop :hump: This will be the most tender stage of your grow.

:joint: ~Boneman