How long should i run CO2?


Well-Known Member
You should definetly use your circulation fans when using Co2. If you are not using any fans during enrichment, the Co2 just falls to the floor and is not being used. So basically without your fan going, you are not actually "using" co2, you are only injecting it.

You should run your a/c unit during the enrichment period as well. This way you can keep your temps down the entire time. You will be able to just seal your room and make the enrichment period like 3hrs at a time and then just exhaust for like 15min. If you do this, and use your fans, you will have a much better experience with Co2.

Also, if you don't have a flow meter, and you haven't use a co2 calculator, 15min of injection is probably too long. Like I said in earlier posts, it only takes 4min to get mine up to 1800ppm.

So all in all, you are just wasting your Co2 since your fans are all turned off. If you thought you were getting extra growth because of the Co2, just wait until your plants are actually able to use it because its not just sitting on the floor.


Well-Known Member
Hey bonggrippinbob, you don't have to use a/c. I have heard when using Co2 your plants can take more heat.


Well-Known Member
They can take more heat, but you still don't want it up above like 87degrees. Even with an air cooled hood, you can't keep your temps down under that for 3hrs at a time.
The max temps they will take is about 90degrees. And you still don't want them running at these temps constantly. Closer to 85 is much better. Without Co2 you want your temps at like 75-80. So yes, they will take higher temps by about 10-15degrees, but if you have a sealed room, and you try leaving your exhaust of for 3hrs, you will be well above the 90degree theshold.


Well-Known Member
You should definetly use your circulation fans when using Co2. If you are not using any fans during enrichment, the Co2 just falls to the floor and is not being used. So basically without your fan going, you are not actually "using" co2, you are only injecting it.

You should run your a/c unit during the enrichment period as well. This way you can keep your temps down the entire time. You will be able to just seal your room and make the enrichment period like 3hrs at a time and then just exhaust for like 15min. If you do this, and use your fans, you will have a much better experience with Co2.

Also, if you don't have a flow meter, and you haven't use a co2 calculator, 15min of injection is probably too long. Like I said in earlier posts, it only takes 4min to get mine up to 1800ppm.

So all in all, you are just wasting your Co2 since your fans are all turned off. If you thought you were getting extra growth because of the Co2, just wait until your plants are actually able to use it because its not just sitting on the floor.

thanks for the info, that is good news as the room was getting hotter than i liked! i heard somewhere that all fans and ac should be turned off. so i will only turn off exhaust fan during enrichment. the thing is i have a portable ac unit with an intake and exhaust vent that are going outside. so is it ok to keep ac on as well?

as for my schedule, that was determined using a co2 calculator. But should i turn exhaust fan on 15 min an hour to not over ppm? thanks!


Well-Known Member
If your a/c pulls in fresh air from outside the cab, you need to make it so it is pulling the air from the cab, and recirculating that. If it is pulling in air from outside your cab, then the "extra" air has to go out of your cab somewhere.
Exhausting once an hour for 15 min should work. If you have the money, get a co2 meter so you know how much co2 is in your room. This will make it so your cab stays at what ever ppm you decide.
If you are only filling the cab up to 1500ppm, you shouldn't over do it. They can sit at 1500 ppm constantly without any problems. If you can keep it at 1500ppm you will be set.


Well-Known Member
You can get a cheesy little syringe thing that tests the Co2 for like $10. But if you want it to be accurate, and to keep your PPM consistent, you will need a Co2 PPM meter which can be purchased on ebay, an online hydro store, or your local shop. They are anywhere from $300 on up.