how long should water run for


Active Member
how long should i set my aeroponic and ebb and flow system to run its water then shut off then turn back on ? Or should they run 24 hours straight?
I heard they need to be run for about 45 minutes then shut off then start them back on 1 hour later, but i am worried about the roots drying out.


Well-Known Member
you can not have aeroponic roots drying out for an hour. If the roots are suspended in a water absorbent material timing like that is acceptable.

Aeroponics should be run 24-7 unless your having a lack of o2. Then try a 4min off - 1 min on schedule.

I would be interested to know about the bb and flow timing as well.


Active Member
3-4 times a day during the photoperiod, each time for 15-25 mins. all depends on your substrate to be exact tho.



Active Member
aeroponics is on 24/7. as far as ebb and flow, i have mine set to run every 4 hours for 15 minutes. it seems to be working fine. your setup might be require different settings based on the strain, size, temperature and light. you'll just need to play with it to get it right. good luck.


Well-Known Member
One minute on 5 minutes off.

Botanicare Nutrients:
126ML Cal-Mag Plus
180ML Liquid Karma
540ML Pure Bend Pro Bloom

