How long till harvest?


Well-Known Member
Well some plants budded early..even outside?? Now I gotta harvest em and my mictoscope eony be here in time I think..unless I got another couple weeks..which i think I do but the hairs are turning red..I wanted to have white crystal hairs..did I wait too long? im only bout 2weeks into flower tho? I want them budds wayyyyyy bigger.tiger bloom? Big bloom.and the flora pro box is what I have now.20140421_223735.jpg


Well-Known Member
it looks like its been seeded pretty good. Which means they wont get much bigger at all, sorry man.


Well-Known Member
I really doubt it, once the plant gets pollinated it stops bud production and just focuses on making seeds instead. You could try Dutch Master reverse or Optic Foliar Switch but its not going to tell the plant to bulk up again or anything.


Well-Known Member
Cut down all your plants and start over sorry man just doesn't look like you can do much from that.


Well-Known Member
Why the mixed answers some ppl say I got weeks..some say cut down now..? I wanted seeds so I can grow more of this and why do all that I pollinated my plant budding. .others are this one was from bagseed but it was xmas bud..looked lk dro or I kept the grew super fast and budded in 2 to 3 a auto.. but I took the male out the ground collected the pollen I could..the disposed of tryna make seeds so I can have a supply of them. .that sound smart? As long as I get seeds and a lil bud from this plant Im ok..but my seeds aint formed yet.I cut two colas and hit a tiny amount I dried in the oven (I know ) lol but I wanted to try it..and boy if it killed 95% of the thc..then this is super still feeling it hours later off a tiny tiny bit..mostly leaves with crystals..taste great..and I didnt flush it.. heres pix1398312769572.jpg