How Long till I crop my babys

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
Hi guys here's a little Vid as my cameras broken
The plants are 47 days into flower
1 X Liberty Haze
2 X Blue widow
1 X Northern lights Blue

They have been Grown in 40 L pots feed to waste in co-co / perlite
The wet dry cycle is around 4 Days under a single Fero LED System
I have been feeding them on GH 3 Part
with a range off additives from a UK company called Plant Magic
I am using around a 600 watt LED In a 4' by 4' tent
I also have a 100mm thermostatically controlled fan which runs at most times on the minimum setting
I took this video 2 days ago and today I fed them for what I think id the last time and will start flushing in about 4 days for a long 14 day flush :


what I was wondering is do you guys think I have gauged the timing right for the flush?

its been a while since I grew out a photo period crop as I have been playing around with autos for the last few years
any tips will be gladly taken on board

tx CC :joint:
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Well-Known Member
yo man nice plants, how dense are the buds? id say another 2 weeks yet... and i think their pronounced "trikes" not "tricks"...just saying haha :)

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
lol its the accent country English :)
The buds are very dense
so your with me on the time line then bruv thats cool I think one of them may be a week longer who knows :)
and yeah lol I treat em better than my babys
anyone else ?


Well-Known Member
That'll be trichomes then, flush em dood theres plenty of nutes in those leaves for the plant to live on ;)

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
yeah thats what I think I might do once they have a couple of days to dry out a little after this flush
hey tx guys if any one wants to see how they turn out come to my Liberty haze blog I have a couple of things on the go
Happy tokin cc