How long to dry before final weigh?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just harvested my first grow. How long should I wait to do my final weight? Should I just wait till the stem breaks and I jar them or do I need to wait till they have been in the jars a week or 2?


Well-Known Member
even after you dry for a week/weeknhalf they will still loose weight in the cureing. so dry for that week or so then jar for at least, very minimum, 2 weeks preferably longer, then weigh


Well-Known Member
Well as of right now, I haven't weighed it at all so I can't be disappointed. I just wanted to figure out how much each plant ended up producing to put in my grow journal. Sounds like the consensus is to hang then cure for a couple weeks before final weighing.


Active Member
Personally, I wait til the buds are about 3/4 dried out then weigh. Its about the same timing it would be if you were purchasing it.