How Long until i am able to determine sex?

i am a total noob and i germinated and planted 3 seeds whicht are now about 4inches high after 1 week when will i be able to determine sex and what hight will they most likely grow to ..... they are average strain i think sativa........i will put pics and tell me what i am doing wrong.... thnx and happy sessions!

i dont wanta link to a thread i wnat a full answer

PS should i remove the containers after a certain height and tranplant them outdoors???? i heard that alot of animals get them that is why i am worried..


it will be awhile because males and females look a lot like each other. when u bud them, if u see white hairs its a female. if it has pollen sacks its a male. some plants show what their sex before u bud them but only some plants do that.


Well-Known Member
Do some research, if your interested in growing read up abouut it, dont just come on a forum and demand answers with your first ever post. Here is a link. Ha Ha not.


Well-Known Member
it will be awhile because males and females look a lot like each other. when u bud them, if u see white hairs its a female. if it has pollen sacks its a male. some plants show what their sex before u bud them but only some plants do that.
ALL marijuana plants will show sex when they mature. You do not have to "bud" them. Even under 24 hour light, a plant will show sex (pre-flowers) when it matures. Males generally show 1st but not always. It takes a minimum of 6 weeks for most plants to mature. Usually its like 6-8 weeks for mine. But yes if you force flower them early (12/12) you can sex them early.


Well-Known Member
Forums are so gay.

And to Bloatecraig what the fuck dude, what are you the fucking forum police. Just chill Eksee