How long until my plants are done? I need some opinions.

Scorpion Puppet

New Member
I posted a thread about 3 weeks ago asking the same thing and a few people asked me to post more pics in a few weeks. They are now over 3 months old now and im still not quite sure how long they have to go since the site i bought them from said 2 and a half months.also they all are autoflower.. Well anyways, any help will be appreciated.

IMAG0233.jpgThis is a Blue Mammoth
IMAG0234.jpgAn Ak
IMAG0236.jpg And a Black jack


Well-Known Member
Blue mammoth & ak look pretty damn close. I would wait a couple more weeks on the black jack. YOU really need to purchase a loop or scope to check the trichs. That is the BEST way to check...

All in all, your plants look GREAT! Keep up the good work!


Active Member
jeweler's loop. magnifier. so you can look at the trichs (crystals) up close. see what color they are.

Scorpion Puppet

New Member
Oh gottcha, well im color blind so ill have to let someone else look, what color should they be? if i remember right its supposed to be like amber?


Active Member
You should get a 200x USB Microscope and check for 50/50 Amber Trichs to be sure.

Then you can post those pics.