How long will $1K hold off the looting?

Is this the event that will almost eliminate the middle class? Where there will be a much wider divide between the rich and the poor?
If it is done right, it could just mean that we end poverty and the middle class will not have to work so much to earn enough to live a nice life. There will always be super rich people. took 2 months, so almost got it right.

You win the least thought prize for the internet for the day, and given the day, that is a high honor indeed.

Look, I'm a privileged white person and even I can see what is going on with the mn police and in the woder leo communities. Riots at this point are an understatement, not a response to being bored or upset at some bonehead fb post.

Police brutally and needlessly killed a black man. They laughed about it. They are still laughing about it. The people who hold their leasehes are essentially laughing about it.

"Look at those poor public servants. All they ever wanted to do was protect society and this is their reward. They have lost their jobs, their lives as they know them are gone".... At least until ICE hires them as full time consultants at twice their pay and puts them on the fox talk show circuit.

We are fucked up beyond belief. We don't deserve to exist if this is our core as a society. Festered stupidity. Squandered democracy. All because some poor butthurt milenial z's believed putins crap. Good work genz. Good work millenials. YOU own this.
You win the least thought prize for the internet for the day, and given the day, that is a high honor indeed.

Look, I'm a privileged white person and even I can see what is going on with the mn police and in the woder leo communities. Riots at this point are an understatement, not a response to being bored or upset at some bonehead fb post.

Police brutally and needlessly killed a black man. They laughed about it. They are still laughing about it. The people who hold their leasehes are essentially laughing about it.

"Look at those poor public servants. All they ever wanted to do was protect society and this is their reward. They have lost their jobs, their lives as they know them are gone".... At least until ICE hires them as full time consultants at twice their pay and puts them on the fox talk show circuit.

We are fucked up beyond belief. We don't deserve to exist if this is our core as a society. Festered stupidity. Squandered democracy. All because some poor butthurt milenial z's believed putins crap. Good work genz. Good work millenials. YOU own this.
And the parents who raised them and fell into the same traps.