How long will a plant take to be a mother?


Active Member
Like from a clone bought from a shop how long will it take before i can cut for clones? How tall does it have to be. And also can u clone a plant that just grows tall but dosent branch?


Well-Known Member
As soon as it has branches large enough to take cuttings from, you can start. It's not as easy to do it, if there's no branches. Just top it and it will get those branches growing.


Active Member
Top it = cut the center main new shoot and that will encourage side branches and other nodes to develop. Go read up some FAQ.


Active Member
you might wanna figure out how to grow a seedling without killing it before you worry your simple little head about complicated things like cloning and keeping a momma.


Well-Known Member
I think it was positive comment, cloning isn't as easy as people make it sound, plenty of people have trouble with it. I would suggest trying to clone so you can practice.