How long will my plant live for with really droopy leaves?????? please help me


Sorry for no pics, but my baby is 3 months old and is 3 feet 2 inches in height. I was growing it hydroponically with two air bubblers a dual aqua pump and a storage tote using petes all purpose plant food but they just started not looking so good. Droopy leaves thats it, really droopy leaves. so i transplanted it yesterday the 13th back in soil. i live in louisiana so we gettn prewtty bad weather now and the humjidity sucks. So i know that its not an overwatering problem, what could it be? And no my leaves havnt lost color they are still dark green... please any advice will be appreciated


the overall stem is healthy looking, the leaves are still dark green, only a couple yellow ones, no leaves have fallen off, and i have used maybe just a tad bit to much nitro... but any advice will be helpful


Active Member
PICS please...but jst by the info it could b either ROOTBOUND..or..A nute lockup..
i jst had a plant die from rootbound,whoops! sooo pics and more info would really help and save ur girl