how long will this lighting last?


Well-Known Member
1 rubbermade container with 2 2ft t8 lights.

one aeroponic cloner with 7 clones starting to root.
2x bigbud x northernlights auto seeds
2x thc bomb seeds

one t8 supports the clones just fine but what i want to know is if i put the 4 seedlings under the same light how long can i keep them there before putting in a different box with 210w led panels and one t8. waiting for the other box to finish flowering so i can harvest and change the light cycle to 18/6 for the new clones and seedlings. i really only need one of the clones to carry on the genetics but would like to keep the two autos and 2 feminized. i could put them in the other box but then they will be growing in 12/12 and i really would like to stay away form that even with the autos. i have 4 to 7 weeks left before i harvest. id dont mind harvesting a little early if needed as long as i get something out of it.