How long would your plants last?


Well-Known Member
Just curious as to how long you have left your plants (i.e. vacation), and who has left them the longest.

I am about to leave mine for 9 days, I am a bit nervous because they seem to require some sort of attention, but I dont see why they couldn't "rough it" for a few days w/o me. Last time I left them alone (5 days) I returned to 9 dead and 5 very unhappy (but alive) girls. These true survivors were the mothers of current clone stock so they have already been harden against neglect.

So whats the longest you have left your babies and what were the results when you returned?


Well-Known Member
whre do you have them. inside. i dont see y you couldnt keep them alive. are they flowering? if not put in a cfl and water them before you go. theyll be fine. no heat no prob
int he winter when the DWC is flowing I dont look at them for weeks, just make sure my ph and ppms are ok and they do themselves just fine

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
iv only done 5 days....iv had to do 3-5 of straight dark tho...i watered a lil xtra than normal and fed them if i hadnt in a while....they were fine...a lil stunted....but fine


Well-Known Member
Im sure they will be fine but they are in a new hydro system and I had my entire res 40 gal empty out on the floor because one plant decided to plug up its drain with the root mass but I think i got that under control. hind sight I wish I would have went with a flood / drain rather than an aero / dwc, seems they have a lot less issues.